Brandon Weigel
Brandon Weigel
I'm hitting errors that I can't figure out with some objects I'm processing. Five of the Newspaper Issues in this set error out: record numbers 34, 37, 71, 72, and...
If your output directory doesn't exist, `checkconfig all` will tell you "The path /Path/To/Target/(defined in configuration setting output_directory) does not exist but will be created for you." This is not...
I'm doing an OAI migration, and running into problems in `src/fetchers/Oaipmh.php`. The Fetcher assumes that the `$identifier` and `$record_key` are the same value, but they aren't necessarily. If the item...
I'm getting errors in the OAI toolchain as MIK wants to put them into folders that don't yet exist. ``` [2019-06-25 20:30:29] ErrorException.ERROR: ErrorException {"message":"file_put_contents(/Volumes/Arca/tmp/oaitest_output/oai_mruir.mtroyal.ca_11205/434.xml): failed to open stream: No...
I want to extract objects from a repository using the MODS metadataPrefix, but I'm finding that I can't get the files. It turns out that `src/filegetters/OaipmhXpath.php` only works when the...
See attached ini, mik.log and example metadata files... I'm trying to pull down objects via the METS metadataPrefix, since it's the only one that contains useful information from the repository...
I got a bunch of files with names like this: `1987.0019.0039.0001.TIF` I set `page_sequence_separator = .` Result: > [2019-02-13 18:44:34] input validator.ERROR: Input validation failed {"record ID":"1","book object directory":"/Volumes/Barkerville/RG136/books/1","error":"Some files...
I'm trying to run a Compound CSV job, and running into problems getting the metadata in child rows to end up in the child MODS.xml files. MIK is treating the...
Use case: I'm running CONTENTdm migrations right now, and just ran into an issue where, of a 619-item image collection, 614 are JPGs and 5 are JP2s. I failed to...
In the FILE_GETTER section of a given MIK INI file, put a nonexistent directory under `input_directory =` and run `--checkconfig all`. The result will tell you that the input_directory doesn't...