same issue
linux version, just 3.6.0. Chinse character can't be saved.
hhh, maybe next version will be fixed. 3.5.0 is ok.
Actually I press space key to "commit" the text,so it's can't be saved. It's not a big issue.
按t 会在另外一个窗口建空白页,不懂是wayland,还是popshell,还是chromium的问题...另外我自定义的其他扩展的快捷键也会失效...
You can try it like that, but it is not possible to remap the character "\"" to "'". ``` keys = { { "'", "\"", desc = "keyremap", mode =...
M-x meow-global-mode and M-x meow-global-mode again.
yes, It's "normal/insert" information at mode line. The information about "normal" or "insert" can't changed back.