Did you run `sudo howdy add`?
Great troubleshooting by @peterroth so far! Where are you trying to activate Howdy? Have you tried using it with sudo?
Right, and if you run `sudo -i` you only get asked for a password and no other output
That's because you're very much on the bleeding edge, #649 got merged and moved Howdy folders around so it can be used on specific distros that don't allow writing to...
It's a good proposal, holding the escape key has been proposed before but not yet implemented: If someone wants to implement that on the dev branch they are very...
I think adding that to the readme would be good for any users really, i've had my fair share of lockouts during development too. Maybe adding a failsafe to Howdy...
What would be the benefit of this?
Agreed @andrewmv , have you tried this @ctrlbrk42 ?
@ppraisethesun @blackbicbiro You both could have unsupported cameras if that's the case. What does `sudo howdy test` show when you use the IR camera? Can you view IR camera output...
Still having this problem, any progress on the Google API side?