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Drag and drop sort interface for ActiveAdmin tables

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Active Admin Sortable Table

This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that your index page's table rows can be orderable via a drag-and-drop interface.

Improvements over the @neo version

  1. Test coverage
  2. Configurable labels for handler
  3. Move to top button allows to push any item from any page to the top of the list
  4. Sorting works on all pages ( not only on the first one)


This extension assumes that you're using acts_as_list on any model you want to be sortable.

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base


Add it to your Gemfile

gem "activeadmin_sortable_table"

Include the JavaScript in

#= require activeadmin_sortable_table

Include the Stylesheet in active_admin.css.scss

@import "activeadmin_sortable_table"

Configure your ActiveAdmin Resource

ActiveAdmin.register Page do
  include ActiveAdmin::SortableTable # creates the controller action which handles the sorting
  config.sort_order = 'position_asc' # assumes you are using 'position' for your acts_as_list column

  index do

  show do |c|
    attributes_table do
      row :id
      row :name

    panel 'Contents' do
      table_for c.collection_memberships do
        column :position
        column :collectable

Configure handler

You can override handler column symbol using handle_column options:

You can configure sort_url using handle column options by providing static value, symbolized instance method name, or blocks.

handle_column sort_url: ->(category) { compute_url_for_category(category) }  
handle_column sort_url: '/admin/categories/1/sort'
handle_column sort_url: :sort_category  

The same options available for move_to_top_url:

handle_column move_to_top_url: '/admin/categories/1/move_to_top

It's also possible to override handle lables:

handle_column sort_handle: '&#9776;'.html_safe
handle_column move_to_top_handle: 'Move to top'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Prepare tests database (bundle exec rake dummy:prepare)
  4. Make your changes and runs specs (bundle exec rspec)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create Pull Request