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Working docker-compose?

Open vampywiz17 opened this issue 7 months ago • 2 comments

Somebody able to share a working docker-compose (that use docker hub image, not localy builded) with volumes, port mapping, etc...

I try to figure out, how to set it with portainer stack, but no success....

vampywiz17 avatar Jan 17 '24 09:01 vampywiz17


TEDSv avatar Jan 24 '24 10:01 TEDSv


Thanks, but it is a bit out of date not?


I try it but not working. i think it search the keycloak

2024/01/24 19:18:09 Cookies are used as session storage
2024/01/24 19:18:09 Starting remote desktop gateway server
2024/01/24 19:18:09 enabling openid extended authentication
2024/01/24 19:18:09 Cannot get oidc provider: Get "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/rdpgw/.well-known/openid-configuration": dial tcp: lookup keycloak on no such host

vampywiz17 avatar Jan 24 '24 17:01 vampywiz17

Docker compose files have been updated. Please read the instructions on how to use it.

bolkedebruin avatar Mar 18 '24 11:03 bolkedebruin