Bole Chen
Bole Chen
想法不错,可以把已经解决的 issues 导进去做语料
Whats laravel & nova version do you use?
> Here is a fix: > > 1. Create a new ActivityLog Resource and extend the original, and just disable the resources link > > ``` > > namespace App\Nova;...
thx @Kussie response. i change the flag default to false. Please try the latest version to see if it's working. Thanks to all for your help.
It looks like Nova 4 has refactored the Tools menu, since I personally don't have access to it, I'm hoping some kind soul can submit a PR, here's a link...
``` if ($this->app->environment('production')) { URL::forceScheme('https'); $this->app['request']->server->set('HTTPS', true); } ``` add this to AppServiceProvider is worked for me.
Duplicate of #238