s3-encryption copied to clipboard
Thin wrapper around botocore S3 client which supports client side encryption compatable with ruby aws-sdk-resources
s3-encryption is a thin wrapper around the boto3
S3 client. It facilitates client-side encryption
which is compatible to that provided by the Ruby aws-sdk-core-resources.
Functionality is currently limited to that demonstrated below:
Upload encrypted content in python:
import boto3
from s3_encryption.client import S3EncryptionClient
REGION = 'us-west-2'
BUCKET = 'testing.stuff.bucket'
s3_key = 'testing.txt'
s3e = S3EncryptionClient(encryption_key=plaintext_key, region_name=REGION)
s3e.put_object(Body='this is a test', Bucket=BUCKET, Key='testing.txt')
s3e.client.put_object(Body=encoded_key, Bucket=BUCKET, Key=s3_key + '.key')
Download encrypted content in python:
REGION = 'us-west-2'
BUCKET = 'testing.stuff.bucket'
s3_key = 'testing.txt'
s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name=REGION)
encoded_key = s3.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET, Key=s3_key + '.key')
plaintext_key = decode_encryption_key(encoded_key)
s3e = S3EncryptionClient(encryption_key=plaintext_key, region_name=REGION)
print s3e.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET, Key=s3_key)
>> 'this is a test'
Download encrypted content in ruby:
REGION = 'us-west-2'
BUCKET = 'testing.stuff.bucket'
s3_key = 'testing.txt'
s3c = Aws::S3::Client.new
res = s3c.get_object(:bucket => BUCKET, :key => s3_key + '.key')
enc_key = res[:body].read
plaintext_key = decode_encryption_key(enc_key)
s3ec = Aws::S3::Encryption::Client.new(:encryption_key => plaintext_key)
res = s3ec.get_object(:bucket => bucket, :key => s3_key)
body = res[:body].read
puts body
>> 'this is a test'