re-resizable copied to clipboard
Unable to active resizable component conditinally
I would like to unable resizing capabilities conditionally.
It was working fine in "react-resizable-box": "2.1.0": when resizable was disabled I was passing { enable: {@here for each was set to false@} } as a prop. Width and height has been set to 'auto'. When I wanted to activate resizable I was extending props by enabling one of the handlers and was setting width and height to specific px size, which were then set on the component.
With the latest version that behaviour is broken. When resize is enabled width and height are set to 'auto', then if I resize, they are set to specific px, later when I disable handlers width and height are not reset to 'auto'
And I would like to have Resizable component always mounted.
Hi, thanks for your report.
With the latest version that behaviour is broken
Which version did you use ?? Is below issue related this problem??
Was trying 4.3.1. I do not think they are related. Looks like some of the newly received props are getting ignored. So in render method I have something like that:
`const handles = { top: false, right: false, bottom: false, left: false, topRight: false, bottomRight: false, bottomLeft: false, topLeft: false };
let resizableProps = { enable: handles };
if (shouldResize) { resizableProps = { enable: { ...resizableProps.enable, bottomRight: true }, defaultSize: {width: 350, height: 90}, minWidth: 170, minHeight: 95, style: {zIndex: 1000} }; } <Resizable {...resizableProps}>...</Resizable>`
The initial value of shouldResize = false;
When 'shouldResize' becomes true defaultSize prop is getting ignored, component rendered with
following style: width: auto,height:auto,min-width:170px,min-height:95px,z-index:1000
. Then, if I resize component with a mouse, width and height are set to exact values in px, but when shouldResize changes back to false the style becomes: width: 130px,height:40px
(values are just for example). So some styles are removed but width and height are not reset to auto. That how it was working in "react-resizable-box": "2.1.0" and that is desired behaviour for me.
I think I am having a similar issue where I want to have a set height on creation, but it is setting the height to auto. Once a resize happens, the height gets set to a value in pixels.
@petrovalex @SomethingSexy Thanks for your report. would you please provide reproduced project with codesandbox?