Nobelium-PdfDLRunAesShellcode copied to clipboard
A recreation of the "Nobelium" malware based on Microsofts Malware analysis - Part 1: PDF2Pwn
Nobelium PdfDownloadRunAesMalware
A recreation of the "Nobelium" malware based on Microsofts Malware analysis - Part 1: PDF2Pwn
1. Download PDF file from internet using WinInet library
- Supports HTTPS
- Supports DropBox API download (like in original) via adding the Bearer Token to the headers of the request
- Supports Domain Fronting by hosting malicious PDF file on CDN, sending request to shared site, and modifying the Host header to the target site
2. Strip the 10 byte PDF Header from the malicious AES Encrypted PDF
3. Strip the 7 byte PDF Footer from the malicious AES Encrypted PDF
4. AES Decrypt the payload using the static AES & IV - via Tiny AES code
5. Run the payload within the processes memory space using Syscalls provided by SysWhisper V2 project
Microsofts Malware Analysis
- reenz0h from @SEKTOR7net - courses got me hooked! Thank you sensei!
- "GUI Trick" taught by reenz0h in 'RED TEAM Operator: Malware Development Essentials Course' is used to hide the console window on execution
- Avoided using reenz0h's code for AES in proof of concept, but if you want to learn about how to incorporate AES Encryption/Decryption way better than what is done here, defiantley sign up for his RTO Malware dev essentials course. Does an epic job covering XOR & AES, function obfuscation, and more
- @Jackson_T - Epic Syswhispers project! Thank you for this amazing project!
- - Best blog out there for learning about how to implement syscalls into your malware
- <- Raphael Mudge walks through implementing syscalls in this video
- Outflank -
- Tiny AES for an epic open-source AES project!
- Joseph Kingstone for getting me hooked on red teaming! -
- John Cartrett for supporting me in advancing my red team skills! -
- John Askew for getting me deep into crypto and showing me how to use the AES project -