json-schema-test-data-generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
json-schema-test-data-generator copied to clipboard

Generate sample test data based on JSON schema


Not overly sophisticated utility that generates sample test data based on JSON schema.


npm install json-schema-test-data-generator


Module exports a single function that takes a JSON schema and outputs an array of test data objects based on the JSON schema covering various (but not all) combinations to check against. The output objects are in format:

  valid:    // boolean: whether the test data is valid against the schema or not
  data:     // object: the actual data
  message:  // string: a descriptive message for the test data
  property: // string|undefined: if available, the key / property at test

Sample usage:

var generate = require('json-schema-test-data-generator');

var schema = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "minLength:": 5
    "active": {
      "type": "boolean"
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "format": "email"
    "accountNumber": {
      "type": "number"
  "required": ["name", "email"]



[ { valid: true,
    data: { name: 'Lorem', email: '[email protected]' },
    message: 'should work with all required properties' },
  { valid: true,
     { name: 'in Excepteur',
       email: '[email protected]',
       accountNumber: -45141884.82426107 },
    message: 'should work without optional property: active',
    property: 'active' },
  { valid: true,
     { name: 'consectetur amet dolor',
       email: '[email protected]' },
    message: 'should work without optional property: accountNumber',
    property: 'accountNumber' },
  { valid: false,
    data: { email: '[email protected]' },
    message: 'should not work without required property: name',
    property: 'name' },
  { valid: false,
    data: { name: 'labore', active: true },
    message: 'should not work without required property: email',
    property: 'email' },
  { valid: false,
    data: { name: true, email: '[email protected]' },
    message: 'should not work with \'name\' of type \'boolean\'',
    property: 'name' },
  { valid: false,
     { name: '4x%u',
       email: '[email protected]' },
    message: 'should not pass validation for minLength of property: name',
    property: 'name' },
  { valid: false,
     { name: 'deserunt nostrud dolore ea',
       email: '[email protected]',
       active: 5313786068074496 },
    message: 'should not work with \'active\' of type \'integer\'',
    property: 'active' },
  { valid: false,
     { name: 'cillum ',
       email: null,
       accountNumber: 67113212.30977774 },
    message: 'should not work with \'email\' of type \'null\'',
    property: 'email' },
  { valid: false,
    data: { name: 'anim laborum quis occaecat', email: '8WruHF' },
    message: 'should not pass validation for format of property: email',
    property: 'email' },
  { valid: false,
     { name: 'veniam nulla ut',
       email: '[email protected]',
       accountNumber: 'sn0S2H9j)]' },
    message: 'should not work with \'accountNumber\' of type \'string\'',
    property: 'accountNumber' } ]

API Reference

generate(schema) ⇒ Array

Generates test data based on JSON schema

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - Array of test data objects

Param Type Description
schema Object Fully expanded (no $ref) JSON Schema


jstdgen schema.json > testdata.json