Emil Bogren
Emil Bogren
hmm.. 🤔 I'll try to setup a demo project.
Ah, I found this a annoying as well. I'll take a closer look. If you find a solution before I do, submit a PR! 😊
As you mentioned, you can use `iconMarginBottom` to adjust the icon. In addition, I think you can override [textHeight()](https://github.com/Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField/blob/master/Sources/SkyFloatingLabelTextField.swift#L532-L538) to get the behaviour you want.
Hey! Following up here, did you manage to solve the issue?
I really like the change Apple is making here, changing the way we work with localization, and appreciate the recent input on this topic! The paradigm shift is very welcomed,...
I'm looking for ways to get the default `UISwipeActionView`(?) looks like there is is a way in iOS 11 `tableView:trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath`. See [docs](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uitableviewdelegate/2902367-tableview?language=objc). We also see the same issue, I'll continue...