John Bogovic
John Bogovic
This is a preliminary proposal and discussion for axes and coordinate transformations. For more details see: * [this early version of the specification]( * [this page of examples]( for a...
[Details here](, examples forthcoming. The v0.4 specification [declares the types:]( `identity`, `translation`, and `scale`. Version 0.5 should include new types of transformations. Here is a preliminary list, ordered approximately by...
This PR has four main contributions: * The [existing axis specification]( into `coordinateSystem`s - named collections of axes. * `coordinateTransformations` now have "input" and "output" coordinate systems. * Adds many...
Every example for `multiscales` that I know of orders the objects in the `datasets` arrays from largest to smallest arrays (highest to lowest resolution). Are there any use cases in...
There are many use cases in v0.4 spec and in PRs that need to reference zarr arrays or groups: * [`multiscales` reference their child arrays]( * [`image-label`s reference source images](
This PR is a small change to the documentation of the FixedScaleOffset: changing the type of the scale parameter from `int` to `float`. The filter currently behaves reasonably and as...
Regarding [`HistogramCreate`]( See this issue on the forum: 1) Add parameters for the min and max. 2) Ensure bin width >= 1 for integer types. 3) Consider default min/max...
``` #@double(label="A double", min=2.5, max=12.5, persist=false ) my_double #@int(label="An int", min=2, max=12, persist=false ) my_int ``` Set their initial values to zero, which is out of range. Using objects instead:...
``` #@ int(value=3) primitive_integer #@ double(value=2.5) primitive_double ``` do not set values correctly See:
In conversations elsewhere @sbesson [says]( > At the moment, the specification enforces that such data must be stored within a well-defined labels hierarchy but moving forward, I could certainly imagine...