HX711 copied to clipboard
taking out objects from scale changes tare?
Hi everyone, i am having a big problem, with my scale, if i keep taking out and putting back the same item on the scale, thee weight goes into negative or a number way greater than 0 when i leave the scale empty for example after the calibration my sketch works fine, but if i take out the object several times from the scale, it shows -21g or -40g or even 150g or also 70g while it is empty. by the way i display directlty on a 240*320 dsplay that why i use the unction draw240() instead of a serial println I dont know why ?? could someone please help me understand here's the code ` #include <HX711.h> #include <printucg240.h>
const int LOADCELL_DOUT_PIN = 4;
const int LOADCELL_SCK_PIN = 5;
const int eepromCalibAddr = 10;
const int precisionScale = 30; // round of weight precision
float prevCalib; //= EEPROM.get(eepromCalibAddr, prevCalib);
int currentWeight = 0;
int instantWeight = 0;
int appog = 0;
int weight0;
int weight1;
int weight2;
//HX711 constructor:
HX711 LoadCell;
void setup() {
while (!Serial) { ; } // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
draw240("bil. pronta !", 3000);
void loop() {
weight2 = weight1;
weight1 = weight0;
instantWeight = int(round(LoadCell.get_units(3)));
weight0 = weightWithScalePrecision(instantWeight);
// here verify diff. between the last and the new readings, if diff. bigger than 2*precision then proceed with reading the new current weight
if (weight0 != currentWeight && appog == 0 && abs(currentWeight - weight0) > (precisionScale*2)) {
draw240("sto pesando...", 0);
appog = 1;
if (checkApproxWeight(weight0, weight1) == true && (checkApproxWeight(weight1, weight2)) == true && true && appog == 1) {
if (currentWeight != weight0) {
if (weight0 < 0) weight0 = 0;
currentWeight = weight0;
appog = 0;
draw240(String(currentWeight) + " (" + String(instantWeight) + ")", 1500);
boolean checkApproxWeight(int w1, int w2) {
return abs(w1 - w2) < (precisionScale*2);
void calibrateNow() {
draw240("*******", 1000);
draw240("inizio calib. :", 1500);
draw240("svuotare piatto", 5000);
draw240("offset:" + String(LoadCell.get_offset()), 5500);
draw240("appoggiare 6,3kg", 5500);
draw240("avg:" + String(LoadCell.read_average(10)), 5500); // raw weight
prevCalib = LoadCell.get_units(10) / 6300;
draw240("ult. val. EEPROM: ", 2000);
draw240(String(prevCalib), 2000);
//EEPROM.put(eepromCalibAddr, prevCalib);
int weightWithScalePrecision(int w) {
float remainder = w % precisionScale;
if (remainder <= (precisionScale/2)) {
w -= int(remainder);
} else if (remainder > (precisionScale/2)){
w += (precisionScale-int(remainder));
return w;
I have the same problem with repeatability, even in a range of ± 5g or so, so every load and unload I get different values.