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Gem to create tables grids with sortable columns and filters

Results 6 datagrid issues
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Is it possible to wire up a dynamic enum/select filter to something like this: Would be useful when you have a proc/query that returns a lot of results.

I've ran into a specific case - I'd like to allow for one of the filter values to be `nil`, but also for that filter to not be ran. My...

I have explained my problems here:

Hello! I am interested, if there is a way to use colspan attribute with datagrid to build "2-leveled" table headers. Thank you! Example: ![Image of Yaktocat]( Code: ``` html Details...

can add one demo for sinatra?

I am using this gem API to build a datatable endpoint on graphql. While testing some things I saw that this was not working: "name", descending: false).data_hash It was...