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Tiny Bayesian A/B testing library
Tiny Bayesian A/B testing library
Install system dependencies (Debian):
sudo apt-get install libatlas-dev libatlas-base-dev liblapack-dev gfortran
Install the Python package:
pip install git+git://
Run the tests:
nosetests trials/tests
Import package
from trials import Trials
Start a split test with Bernoulli (binary) observations
test = Trials(['A', 'B', 'C'])
Observe successes and failures
'A': (50, 10), # 50 successes, 10 failures, total 60
'B': (75, 15), # 75 successes, 15 failures, total 90
'C': (20, 15) # 20 successes, 15 failures, total 35
Evaluate some statistics
dominances = test.evaluate('dominance', control='A') # Dominance probabilities P(X > A)
lifts = test.evaluate('expected lift', control='A') # Expected lifts E[(X-A)/A]
intervals = test.evaluate('lift CI', control='A', level=95) # Lifts' 95%-credible intervals
Available statistics for Bernoulli observation variations: expected posterior
, posterior CI
, expected lift
, lift CI
, empirical lift
, dominance
, z-test dominance
Print or visualize results
for variation in ['B', 'C']:
print('Variation {name}:'.format(name=variation))
print('* E[lift] = {value:.2%}'.format(value=lifts[variation]))
print('* P({lower:.2%} < lift < {upper:.2%}) = 95%' \
.format(lower=intervals[variation][0], upper=intervals[variation][2]))
print('* P({name} > {control}) = {value:.2%}' \
.format(name=variation, control='A', value=dominances[variation]))
Examine the output:
Variation B:
* E[lift] = 0.22% # expected lift
* P(-13.47% < lift < 17.31%) = 95% # lift CI
* P(B > A) = 49.27% # dominance
Variation C:
* E[lift] = -31.22%
* P(-51.33% < lift < -9.21%) = 95%
* P(C > A) = 0.25%
Interpreting and analyzing results
As per the output above there's 50% chance that variation B is better than A (dominance). Most likely it is better by about 0.2% (expected lift), but there's 95% chance that real lift is anywhere betwen -13% to 17% (lift CI). You need more data to know if B is better or worse for sure.
There's 100% - 0.25% = 99.75% chance that variation C is worse than A. Most likely it is worse by about 31%, and there's 95% chance that real lift falls betwen -51% to -9%. The data was sufficient to tell that this variation is almost certainly inferior to both A and B. However, if this 99.75% chance still doesn't convince you, you need more data.
Explanation of mathematics behind and usage guide are coming soon as a blog post.
Meanwhile, see the notebook for comparison of Bayesian lift (blue) and empirical lift (green) errors in a theoretical benchmark with equal sample sizes. Bayesian approach is a little better at predicting the lift, but no miracles here. Bayesian p-values and frequentist (z-test) p-values yield almost identical results.