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Mr Cool Unable to turn on Turbo Mode
Mr Cool does not activate turbo mode from this plugin successfully. I hear my indoor unit beep after pressing turbo, but the setting doesn't stay.
Call and response for changing the target temp, showing that Turbo is on:
2024-06-24 13:10:11.554 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "E8DB848689FE", "deviceTypeVersion": "BI03", "fwVersion": "2.5.3,2.5.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1663, "myRuleConfiguration": {"activeTemplates": {"1": 4, "ruleTemplates": 1}, "1": "1,0", "ruleTemplates": {"1": [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]}}, "connection_source": 2, "user_id": "RSjozypz1Q", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "preset": 0, "application_version": "1.2.0", "ts": 1719252611, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "high", "temp": "64", "swing": "auto", "swinginternal": "", "turbo": "on", "light": "off"}, "oldPower": "on", "actionType": "temp", "actionValue": 64}
2024-06-24 13:10:14.460 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "on", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252614", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "80", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}
Call and response for for turning off Turbo mode. This is successful.
2024-06-24 13:10:50.419 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "E8DB848689FE", "deviceTypeVersion": "BI03", "fwVersion": "2.5.3,2.5.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1663, "myRuleConfiguration": {"activeTemplates": {"1": 4, "ruleTemplates": 1}, "1": "1,0", "ruleTemplates": {"1": [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]}}, "connection_source": 2, "user_id": "RSjozypz1Q", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "preset": 0, "application_version": "1.2.0", "ts": 1719252650, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "high", "temp": "64", "swing": "auto", "swinginternal": "", "turbo": "off", "light": "off"}, "oldPower": "on", "actionType": "turbo", "actionValue": "on/off"}
2024-06-24 13:10:52.302 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "off", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252651", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "80", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}
Call and response for turning Turbo On. This is unsuccessful. 3rd line here is a successful response after enabling Turbo using the Mr Cool Android app.
2024-06-24 13:11:40.416 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Send Json : {"action": "actionControl", "macAddress": "E8DB848689FE", "deviceTypeVersion": "BI03", "fwVersion": "2.5.3,2.5.0", "actionSource": "WEB", "applianceType": "AC", "applianceId": 1663, "myRuleConfiguration": {"activeTemplates": {"1": 4, "ruleTemplates": 1}, "1": "1,0", "ruleTemplates": {"1": [1, 2, 3, 5, 4]}}, "connection_source": 2, "user_id": "RSjozypz1Q", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "preset": 0, "application_version": "1.2.0", "ts": 1719252700, "actions": {"power": "on", "mode": "cool", "fanspeed": "high", "temp": "64", "swing": "auto", "swinginternal": "", "turbo": "on", "light": "off"}, "oldPower": "on", "actionType": "turbo", "actionValue": "on/off"}
2024-06-24 13:11:42.557 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "WEB", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "off", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252651", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "chrome-1706824538", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "80", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}
2024-06-24 13:12:27.053 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.cielo_home.cielohome] Receive Json : {"message_type": "StateUpdate", "action": {"uirules": "default:default:default", "device_status": "on", "temp": "64", "action_source": "Android", "statustimestamp": "1719181149", "fanspeed": "high", "turbo": "on", "end_turbo_timestamp": "0", "swinginternal": " ", "mode": "cool", "swing": "auto", "ontimestamp": "1719251073", "start_turbo_timestamp": "1718699447", "power": "on", "mode_timestamp": "1719166897", "timestamp": "1719252746", "moderules": "default:default:default"}, "mac_address": "E8DB848689FE", "mid": "4da5d268e8124f35", "stateSync": "0", "exe": "1", "my_rule_configuration": {"active_templates": {"1": "4"}, "1": "1,0", "rule_templates": {"1": ["1", "2", "3", "5", "4"]}}, "lat_env_var": {"temperature": "81", "humidity": "0"}, "device_status": 1, "device_name": "Living Room", "fw_version": "2.5.3,2.5.0"}