Bodo Graumann

Results 137 comments of Bodo Graumann

Sounds like we should really be using the pdfjs legacy build, instead of introducing moer and more workarounds / polyfills!?

I also had to ``` npx sb upgrade rm package-lock.json rm node_modules -rf npm install npm install -D "@mdx-js/react@^1.0.0" -f ``` To be able to get my storybook to work...

I think I found the problem and solution, at least for what @francoisromain describes in the original post. Like him, I had `@storybook/addon-essentials` and `@storybook/addon-docs` installed. These days the latter...

Damn. During production build the error persists: > [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "@mdx-js/react" from "src/components/MyButton1.stories.mdx" I tried to go back to explicitely installing `@mdx-js/react`, but then `npm ci`...

With the help of @IanVS , I managed to find two viable workarounds: - explicitely install `react@^17` and `react-dom@^17`, or alternatively - [update to the MDX2 preview]( and explicitely install...

It seems previously the approach worked, because `{ type: "stream" }` would `.tee()` the stream and make it reusable that way: Unfortunately this does not seem possible from the...

Just saw this issue :-). It is resolved in oak 13 and later, but see also as a follow-up.