
Results 40 comments of Andreas

Nothing in that statement claims that it refers to WGS84 - and if it did, I would question the correctness of using the exact semi-major axis value but not the...

If this is still an open issue, I suggest creating a project for it so that we can track this across all language versions.

There are still several language versions that normalize via while-loop - for example c, cpp, python - so I'd suggest to keep this open and properly list all language versions...

Quick back-of-the-envelope calculation: The old algorithm has one comparison and one addition/subtraction per loop, plus another comparison for the loop it doesn't need to take. That's ~ 2x+1 operations, with...

I'm not seeing the same when normalizing an array with 1M random entries using the original "non-optimized, looping" algorithm vs. the "non-looping" algorithm in Kotlin/JVM. If entry values are at...

An underlying issue here seems to be that "global code" is not actually a well-defined term in OLC. We have "full codes" and "short codes", but not "global codes" outside...

> Additionally, that regex fails to match codes of length less than 8. Whether or not we replace "global code" with "full code" or define that term as specifically meaning...

I'd appreciate that as well, so add me to the list if you consider the interest for this request according to

@drinckes Just as an observation, seeing the '9' and '8' characters in the correct place of a potential different-script plus code makes it immediately more trustworthy to me. I agree...

Right - another problem with that will be that choosing _either_ similar looking _or_ similar sounding characters likely will lead to an unsorted character set. I know that GX00+ is...