Bob Olde Hampsink

Results 78 comments of Bob Olde Hampsink

@kazupon still seeing this in beta 3 This is my config: ``` i18n: { strategy: 'no_prefix', differentDomains: true, detectBrowserLanguage: false, baseUrl: process.env.LOCALE === 'de' ? process.env.SITEURL_DE : process.env.SITEURL, locales: [...

To really get this to work, the images should be pushed to registry directly by the build command, could be done like this: ?

As a proof of concept I pushed to a repo I own, and you see that it has both architectures:

I have added pushing with buildx

@edmorley I will leave this here as an example, but I think the actual implementation of this is better done by you guys at Heroku. Let's say this is a...

I had the same problem, @lowski's suggestion worked for me

Also seeing this issue with Turbolinks. I have rolled back to v1 for now.