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A spell checker add-on library for RSyntaxTextArea.

Results 4 SpellChecker issues
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A la IntelliJ, spell-check each part of a `camelCaseWord` individually. I believe the default behavior right now is to ignore such words entirely.


I created an overloaded createEnglishSpellingParser method that takes an InputStream and a boolean. I did this so that I can load the dictionary from a resource in a jar file...

Besides the current focusable tip, this library should also allow spelling suggestions to be displayed in the RSTA popup menu. Perhaps a configuration option to use one, the other, or...


``SpellingParser.parse(RSyntaxDocument, String)`` seems to do spelling check an whole document, again, after every change. This isn't performant for big documents. Ideally, this method gets additional information about concerned areas that...