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Generating editors for ANTLR grammar using RSyntaxTextArea

Open ftomassetti opened this issue 7 years ago • 6 comments

Hi, I wanted just to thank you for you amazing work. I am using your library to build kanvas in Kotlin. For now I am basically defining simple editors for ANTLR grammar and it has been a breeze using your great stuff! In case you are interested I discuss how I use your library here

ftomassetti avatar Jan 11 '17 08:01 ftomassetti

Sweet, I'll take a look!

bobbylight avatar Feb 02 '17 03:02 bobbylight


A small tut on how to adapt an ANTLR grammar for RSyntaxTextArea.

Skyost avatar Jun 04 '18 23:06 Skyost

Yes, I wrote that :D

ftomassetti avatar Jun 05 '18 07:06 ftomassetti

@ftomassetti Not related to this issue but I really liked your tuto series on ANTLR !

Skyost avatar Jun 05 '18 10:06 Skyost

Thank you! Please feel free to reach me at any time if you have comments, suggestions or ideas for new articles ([email protected])

ftomassetti avatar Jun 05 '18 10:06 ftomassetti

I have worked on an ANTLR Lexer TokenMaker. I am currently playing around with it in #353 and I'm open for feedback.

tisoft avatar Aug 08 '20 21:08 tisoft