console-drawing icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
console-drawing copied to clipboard

A simple, fun program to draw on console.


A simple, fun program to draw on console.


The program was built using Java 8 and Maven


Command 		Description
C w h           Create a new canvas of width w and height h.
L x1 y1 x2 y2   Create a new line of 'x' from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). Only support 
                horizontal or vertical lines.
R x1 y1 x2 y2   Create a new rectangle, (x1,y1) is upper left corner & (x2,y2) is 
                lower right corner.
B x y c         Fill the entire area around (x,y) with "colour" c.
                Same as that of the "bucket fill" tool in paint programs.
Q               Quit.


enter command: C 20 4
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |
|                    |

enter command: L 1 2 6 2
|                    |
|xxxxxx              |
|                    |
|                    |

enter command: L 6 3 6 4
|                    |
|xxxxxx              |
|     x              |
|     x              |

enter command: R 14 1 18 3
|             xxxxx  |
|xxxxxx       x   x  |
|     x       xxxxx  |
|     x              |

enter command: B 10 3 o
|xxxxxxooooooox   xoo|
|     xoooooooxxxxxoo|
|     xoooooooooooooo|


  • From prebuilt JAR: java -jar console-drawing-1.0.jar
  • From source:
    • Run program: mvn exec:java
    • Test: mvn test
    • Create JAR: mvn package