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An MVC library for writing interactive webpages in OCaml


A cheap and cheerful MVC library for writing interactive web pages with Ocaml that are compiled into Javascript with js_of_ocaml.

Live demo.

Warning: everything will change.

Basic design notes

The library (such as it is) is based around a single Component module signature:

module type Component = sig
    type state
    type action

    val render  : state -> action html
    val update  : action -> state -> state
    val initial : state

The type state represents the set of all possible states that the component can be in, and the type action represents all the possible actions that can be peformed by the user. For each possible state, the render function generates a reactive HTML document that can be manipulated by the use to generate actions. The update function is then used to translate an action into a state transformation function. The initial value is used as the initial state of the component.

The functions render and update are intended to be purely functional.

The HTML tree generated by the render function is translated into DOM nodes using an algorithm similar to (but as yet less sophisticated than) the one used by React.js. This ensures that OCamlMVC can maintain the illusion of writing a whole new HTML tree to the interface on every state update, while remaining reasonably efficient.


There is one demo at the moment: a very simple todo list application, with undo/redo capability added by a generic “VCR” functor. A compiled version of the demo can be seen on my website.

This application is constructed in layers:

  1. There is a pure OCaml core (i.e., with no Javascript-specific stuff), implemented in the module TodoList.

  2. The todo list data structure is then used as the ‘model’ for an OCamlMVC Component as described above. This is implemented in the TodoListComponent module, and primarily consists of code to render the state of a todo list as an HTML tree (using the combinators provded by the OCamlMVC.HTML module), and to route the actions generated by user interaction back to the model.

  3. The Undo/Redo functionality is then added by using the VCR.Of functor that maps Components to Components, adding a history and a future to the state of the underlying component, and augmenting the UI with “Undo” and “Redo” buttons.

  4. The Main module then attaches the composed component to a specified element in the DOM.

The styling is provided by the Zurb Foundation CSS framework.

Compiling the demo

I think this will work:

  1. Install Ocaml and the OPAM package manager.

  2. Run opam install js_of_ocaml to compile and install the OCaml bytecode to Javascript compiler.

  3. Run make to generate the file todo.js.

  4. Load todo.html into the browser of your choice (only tested in Firefox 26.0).