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Your instructions are for older version of your editor broe ! !

Open KratoSkills opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

My "javaw.exe" Directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin\javaw.exe Screenshot (81)

My Games Directory: D:\Games\The Witcher - Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut Screenshot (75)

My Game's Save Directory: C:\Users\being\Documents\The Witcher Screenshot (76) Screenshot (77)

Your Version 3.0.1 zip contains (before unzipping): Screenshot (78)

Your Version 3.0.1 zip contains (after unzipping): Screenshot (80)_LI

FINALLY, I tried making something as:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin\javaw.exe" -DTW.language=3 -jar -DTW.install.path="C:\Users\being\Documents\The Witcher" -Xmx256m -jar "D:\Games\The Witcher - Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut\TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1\lib\TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1.jar"


"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin\javaw.exe" -DTW.language=3 -jar -DTW.install.path="D:\Games\The Witcher - Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut" -Xmx256m -jar "D:\Games\The Witcher - Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut\TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1\lib\TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1.jar"

and set this as target in the properties of "TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1.jar" which is located in "<unzipped folder of your editor>/lib/TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1.jar" and run the program by double clicking "TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1.jar". BUT NOTHING HAPPENED.

"Hey brother, I assume you know that users of this editor are mostly non-programmers. And your installation instructions are for old version of your editor AS THERE IS NO SHORTCUT IN YOUR ZIP's SUBFOLDERS. So, I request you to kindly change the FOR LATEST VERSION OF YOUR EDITOR or explain here as I've mentioned all necessary PATHS with SCREENSHOTS. I'd really help a lot. Please have mercy on non-programmers or non-technicals. Thank you brother. Peace."

KratoSkills avatar Nov 24 '20 15:11 KratoSkills

I did manage to get it working. There is a .bat file on the /bin folder of the extracted zip/tar which you can edit with your text editor of choice. It's probably not the best way but it's good enough. I'll post an image for the Windows version:


For the *nix file, which I'm guessing it's a bash script, find the eval set line and add the same options after $TW_EDITOR_ENHANCED_OPTS. (Only applies if you're using MacOS/Linux)

Afterwards, just double-click on the edited .bat file. It acts as sort of an .exe file.

Firebeam avatar Jan 31 '21 04:01 Firebeam

It worked. Your comment did help me save some time. Thankyou.

albus-droid avatar Apr 22 '21 21:04 albus-droid

I did manage to get it working. There is a .bat file on the /bin folder of the extracted zip/tar which you can edit with your text editor of choice. It's probably not the best way but it's good enough. I'll post an image for the Windows version:


For the *nix file, which I'm guessing it's a bash script, find the eval set line and add the same options after $TW_EDITOR_ENHANCED_OPTS. (Only applies if you're using MacOS/Linux)

Afterwards, just double-click on the edited .bat file. It acts as sort of an .exe file.

this .bat file is very useful! much appreciated!

7peanuts avatar Jul 24 '21 16:07 7peanuts

I did manage to get it working. There is a .bat file on the /bin folder of the extracted zip/tar which you can edit with your text editor of choice. It's probably not the best way but it's good enough. I'll post an image for the Windows version:


For the *nix file, which I'm guessing it's a bash script, find the eval set line and add the same options after $TW_EDITOR_ENHANCED_OPTS. (Only applies if you're using MacOS/Linux)

Afterwards, just double-click on the edited .bat file. It acts as sort of an .exe file.

Dude, thank you so much!

MournfulRaven avatar Apr 24 '23 21:04 MournfulRaven

The program didn't work for me on Linux, always get a Null Exception despite using the -DUseShellFolder=0 argument mentioned in the README. For Windows, just add the following below the set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS= (or anywhere above the @rem Execute TWEditorEnhanced) in the batch file:

@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and TW_EDITOR_ENHANCED_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
set TW_EDITOR_ENHANCED_OPTS=-DTW.language=3 -DTW.install.path="\install_path_here"

You could also simply use the command in the terminal:

java -DTW.language=3 -DTW.install.path="\install_path_here" -classpath TWEditorEnhanced-3.0.1.jar TWEditor.Main

Could've used -jar like in the README instead of -classpath if the latest jar file had a manifest file.

nozwock avatar Jan 09 '24 16:01 nozwock