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⚡️📊 Compare the performance of Rust project branches


Compare the performance of a PR against the base branch.

⚠️ Performance benchmarks provided by this action may fluctuate as load on GitHub Actions does. Run benchmarks locally before making any decisions based on the results.

A GitHub action that will compare the benchmark output between a PR and the base branch, using the project's benchmarks.


Example benchmark comparison comment


Create a .github/workflows/pull_request.yml file in your repo:

on: [pull_request]
name: benchmark pull requests
    name: run benchmark
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: boa-dev/criterion-compare-action@v3
          cwd: "subDirectory (optional)"
          # Optional. Compare only this package
          package: "example-package"
          # Optional. Compare only this benchmark target
          benchName: "example-bench-target"
          # Optional. Disables the default features of a crate
          defaultFeatures: false
          # Optional. Features activated in the benchmark
          features: "async,tokio-support"
          # Needed. The name of the branch to compare with. This default uses the branch which is being pulled against
          branchName: ${{ github.base_ref }}
          # Optional. Default is `${{ github.token }}`.
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Unrecognized option: 'save-baseline'

If you encounter this error, you can check this Criterion FAQ, to find a workaround.