Getting the same issue, however I use `fish`, not `zsh`, and there's no difference in setting the homebrew path in `` or under `conf.d`
Also exported `NEOVIM_BIN` directly as a global var to avoid the path lookup, same issue
> @bnwa and other `fish` users - looks like Finder is using `zsh`'s environment, irrespective of configured login shell. Adding `/opt/homebrew/bin` to `.zshenv` has everything working again for me, even...
@dashkb No dice either relaunching Finder or restarting with the means listed above
> @bnwa (and other Fishies) - [the fish docs]( warn of just this kind of `PATH` issue. Unless you are doing something fancy with fish on login, you could set...
> Do you have a custom config from a previous version? Did you follow the instructions in the [release notes]( in the "Are you upgrading..." section? I'd thought that was...
I believe this is the issue I'm encountering as well, I already have `[email protected]` installed via Mason as I'm migrating from `nvim-jdtls` however this package has hardcoded `1.31.0`