v8-cmake copied to clipboard
V8 11.6 built on Alpine Linux: symbol not found
We use build of V8 (via v8-cmake) for building PLV8 (extension for PostgreSQL, V8 binary is linked on PLV8 building). After upgrade v8-cmake to V8 11.6 we faced with a problem: binaries are built well, but on running error message appeared:
_ZN2v88internal25IteratorBuiltinsAssembler18FastIterableToListENS0_5TNodeINS0_7ContextEEENS2_INS0_6ObjectEEEPNS0_8compiler18CodeAssemblerLabelE: symbol not found
Dockerfile reproduces the problem.
Run PostgreSQL from this image:
docker run -d --name plv8-test -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 --restart unless-stopped [image name]
Connect using any PostgreSQL client and run the query:
Command running returns error.
The problem appears only in Alpine Linux (with Debian PLV8 works fine). We temporarily added checkout to beb327f02f4a7e200b9ec to build Alpine-based PLV8 with V8 11.5 and the problem disappeared.
but we hope to find a solution with actual V8 version for Alpine.