Benjamin Partzsch
Benjamin Partzsch
It is not planned yet. I cannot oversea the effort, and I don't have a good idea on how to test it. Again, don't expect a virtual Ethernet port in...
As far as I know managed switches should not be put into an EtherCAT network. Almost all EtherCAT devices have an in and out port, so you connect them one...
Not really. You could use Wireshark to see what Codesys is doing different. You may also go through the [issues of the SOEM project]( itself, this is what PySOEM is...
Hi @zthcool, `send_processdata()` and `receive_processdata()` take care of what we could call PDO communication. But let's start with SDO communication. You already used SDO communication to access objects within the...
I'm a little bit lost with all your replies. I would suggest you to start with the default PDO configuration. So don't provide a config function (e.g. mbdlt25bf_setup) at all....
Hi, What do you mean with "I communicate with other devices on the same interface"? On the Ethernet port you are using, there should only be EtherCAT device connected.
For now, apart from the examples, there is no more documentation. The interactive help is also not to much of a help. But thanks four your list, I think this...
In the example of sdo_wirte: `slave.sdo_write(0x8001, 2, struct.pack('B', 1))`. The first parameter is the index(0x8001), the second parameter is the subindex(2) and then third parameter is the data to be...
Your screenshoot is the terminal output of the slaveinfo example from the SOEM tests. When you take a closer look to the source code (slaveinfo.c) you will see (within function...
First you need to known the EtherCAT PDO mapping concept. Unfortunately that is not very easy to explain, and I cannot do it in every detail. You already know thees...