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Unable to sign transaction & instabilities
With latest version 1.1.4 on my Nano S FW 1.5.5 and Chrome75 & Win10 1903 environment, during a send process of BNB, I'm unable to do an effective "Sign transaction".
I've done multiple attempts going more or less quickly with the 6 steps of preview transaction, always same problem..
Moreover there are instabilities:
- Selecting multiple time "Sign transaction" occurs the Nano S reboot.
- After "Sign transaction" without effect, going with "Preview again" freeze the Nano S on preview step 2/6.
Others people seems have the same problems: https://community.binance.org/topic/119/ledger-nano-s-wallet-signature-timeout-error-on-windows10-1903-and-any-browser https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/c23453/solution_to_binance_dex_issue_with_ledger_w10/
Ledger has pointed out this windows issue. We will release new version to permanently fix this issue.