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Support type annotations syntax `/* @var SomeType $variable */`

Open aszenz opened this issue 4 years ago • 16 comments

Feature description or problem with existing feature In our code there are many type declarations using single astreiks syntax for variable type annotations, phpStorm can parse them while Intelphense can't

Describe the solution you'd like Consider /* @var */ the same as /** @var */

Additional context Symfony cs fix rules auto convert /** @var */ to /* @var */ in some cases

aszenz avatar Jun 10 '20 05:06 aszenz

Additional context Symfony cs fix rules auto convert /** @var */ to /* @var */

Just to mention that I failed to confirm this.

[Clover@Clover-NB php2]$ ls

[Clover@Clover-NB php2]$ php-cs-fixer --version
PHP CS Fixer 2.16.3 Yellow Bird by Fabien Potencier and Dariusz Ruminski

[Clover@Clover-NB php2]$ cat test.php

/** @var SomeType $variable */
$variable = 1;

[Clover@Clover-NB php2]$ php-cs-fixer fix test.php --rules=@Symfony --verbose
Loaded config default.
Legend: ?-unknown, I-invalid file syntax (file ignored), S-skipped (cached or empty file), .-no changes, F-fixed, E-error

Fixed all files in 0.010 seconds, 12.000 MB memory used

[Clover@Clover-NB php2]$ cat test.php

/** @var SomeType $variable */
$variable = 1;

[Clover@Clover-NB php2]$


And obviously Symfony itself uses /** @var ... far more than /* @var ...

[Clover@Clover-NB symfony](master)$ pwd

[Clover@Clover-NB symfony](master)$ ls
asset                  error-handler               mime                      property-info      translation-contracts
browser-kit            event-dispatcher            monolog-bridge            routing            twig-bridge
cache                  event-dispatcher-contracts  monolog-bundle            security-bundle    twig-bundle
cache-contracts        filesystem                  options-resolver          security-core      twig-pack
config                 finder                      orm-pack                  security-csrf      validator
console                flex                        phpunit-bridge            security-guard     var-dumper
css-selector           framework-bundle            polyfill-intl-grapheme    security-http      var-exporter
debug-bundle           http-client                 polyfill-intl-idn         serializer         webpack-encore-bundle
debug-pack             http-client-contracts       polyfill-intl-normalizer  serializer-pack    web-profiler-bundle
dependency-injection   http-foundation             polyfill-mbstring         service-contracts  yaml
deprecation-contracts  http-kernel                 polyfill-php80            stopwatch
doctrine-bridge        inflector                   process                   string
dom-crawler            mailer                      profiler-pack             test-pack
dotenv                 maker-bundle                property-access           translation

[Clover@Clover-NB symfony](master)$ rg '/\*\* @var '
webpack-encore-bundle\tests\IntegrationTest.php:157:        /** @var TagRenderer $tagRenderer */
webpack-encore-bundle\src\DependencyInjection\Configuration.php:22:        /** @var ArrayNodeDefinition $rootNode */
webpack-encore-bundle\tests\EventListener\ExceptionListenerTest.php:24:        /** @var EntrypointLookupInterface[]|Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy[] $entrypointLookups */
webpack-encore-bundle\src\EventListener\PreLoadAssetsEventListener.php:51:        /** @var GenericLinkProvider|FigGenericLinkProvider $linkProvider */
webpack-encore-bundle\tests\EventListener\PreLoadAssetsEventListenerTest.php:40:        /** @var GenericLinkProvider|FigGenericLinkProvider $linkProvider */
webpack-encore-bundle\tests\EventListener\PreLoadAssetsEventListenerTest.php:45:        /** @var Link[]|FigLink[] $links */
webpack-encore-bundle\tests\EventListener\PreLoadAssetsEventListenerTest.php:74:        /** @var GenericLinkProvider|FigGenericLinkProvider $linkProvider */
security-http\RememberMe\PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices.php:35:    /** @var TokenProviderInterface */
security-http\EventListener\CheckCredentialsListener.php:46:            /** @var PasswordCredentials $badge */
security-http\EventListener\CheckCredentialsListener.php:72:            /** @var CustomCredentials $badge */
security-http\EventListener\PasswordMigratingListener.php:42:        /** @var PasswordUpgradeBadge $badge */
web-profiler-bundle\Controller\RouterController.php:68:        /** @var RequestDataCollector $request */
security-http\EventListener\CsrfProtectionListener.php:43:        /** @var CsrfTokenBadge $badge */
var-dumper\Command\ServerDumpCommand.php:41:    /** @var DumpDescriptorInterface[] */
validator\Mapping\Loader\StaticMethodLoader.php:41:        /** @var \ReflectionClass $reflClass */
validator\Constraints\Composite.php:126:        /** @var Constraint[] $nestedConstraints */
mailer\Transport\Transports.php:49:        /** @var Message $message */
validator\Constraints\Compound.php:24:    /** @var Constraint[] */
translation\Util\XliffUtils.php:34:        /** @var \DOMNode $xliff */
mailer\Transport\Smtp\EsmtpTransport.php:45:        /** @var SocketStream $stream */
mailer\Transport\Smtp\EsmtpTransport.php:107:        /** @var SocketStream $stream */
translation\Loader\XliffFileLoader.php:197:        /** @var \SimpleXMLElement $xmlNote */
mailer\Transport\Smtp\EsmtpTransportFactory.php:33:            /** @var SocketStream $stream */
service-contracts\ServiceSubscriberTrait.php:24:    /** @var ContainerInterface */
routing\RouteCollectionBuilder.php:64:        /** @var RouteCollection[] $collections */
routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher.php:35:    /** @var RequestContext */
routing\Loader\YamlFileLoader.php:195:        /** @var RouteCollection[] $imported */
routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader.php:188:        /** @var RouteCollection[] $imported */
routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader.php:253:        /** @var \DOMElement $n */
process\Process.php:76:    /** @var PipesInterface */
property-info\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor.php:78:        /** @var $docBlock DocBlock */
property-info\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor.php:106:        /** @var $docBlock DocBlock */
property-info\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor.php:122:        /** @var $docBlock DocBlock */
property-info\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor.php:143:        /** @var DocBlock\Tags\Var_|DocBlock\Tags\Return_|DocBlock\Tags\Param $tag */
process\InputStream.php:23:    /** @var callable|null */
monolog-bundle\SwiftMailer\MessageFactory.php:49:        /** @var \Swift_Message $message */
options-resolver\Debug\OptionsResolverIntrospector.php:30:            /** @var OptionsResolver $this */
maker-bundle\src\Command\MakerCommand.php:38:    /** @var ConsoleStyle */
maker-bundle\src\FileManager.php:32:    /** @var SymfonyStyle */
maker-bundle\src\Str.php:25:    /** @var Inflector|null */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\EntityRegenerator.php:58:        /** @var ClassSourceManipulator[] $operations */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\DoctrineHelper.php:91:        /** @var EntityManagerInterface $em */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\DoctrineHelper.php:137:        /** @var EntityManagerInterface $em */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\DoctrineHelper.php:233:        /** @var NamingStrategy $namingStrategy */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\DoctrineHelper.php:241:        /** @var Connection $connection */
maker-bundle\src\Security\SecurityConfigUpdater.php:22:    /** @var YamlSourceManipulator */
maker-bundle\src\Util\ClassSourceManipulator.php:48:    /** @var ConsoleStyle|null */
http-kernel\DependencyInjection\RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass.php:128:                /** @var \ReflectionMethod $r */
http-kernel\DependencyInjection\RegisterControllerArgumentLocatorsPass.php:133:                    /** @var \ReflectionParameter $p */
phpunit-bridge\DeprecationErrorHandler\Deprecation.php:37:    /** @var string[] Absolute paths to vendor directories */
http-client\NativeHttpClient.php:40:    /** @var NativeClientState */
http-client\Internal\NativeClientState.php:23:    /** @var int */
http-client\Internal\NativeClientState.php:25:    /** @var int */
http-client\Internal\NativeClientState.php:27:    /** @var int */
http-client\Internal\NativeClientState.php:29:    /** @var string[] */
http-client\Internal\NativeClientState.php:31:    /** @var resource[] */
http-client\Internal\NativeClientState.php:33:    /** @var bool */
framework-bundle\Command\AboutCommand.php:61:        /** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
http-client\Response\ResponseTrait.php:53:    /** @var resource */
http-client\Response\ResponseTrait.php:326:            /** @var ClientState $multi */
http-client\Internal\CurlClientState.php:23:    /** @var resource */
http-client\Internal\CurlClientState.php:25:    /** @var PushedResponse[] */
http-client\Internal\CurlClientState.php:27:    /** @var DnsCache */
http-client\AmpHttpClient.php:47:    /** @var AmpClientState */
http-client\Internal\PushedResponse.php:27:    /** @var string[] */
http-client\Response\StreamWrapper.php:25:    /** @var resource|string|null */
http-client\Response\StreamWrapper.php:28:    /** @var HttpClientInterface */
http-client\Response\StreamWrapper.php:31:    /** @var ResponseInterface */
http-client\Response\StreamWrapper.php:34:    /** @var resource|null */
http-client\Response\StreamWrapper.php:37:    /** @var resource|null */
framework-bundle\Command\AssetsInstallCommand.php:96:        /** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
framework-bundle\Command\AssetsInstallCommand.php:134:        /** @var BundleInterface $bundle */
framework-bundle\Command\TranslationUpdateCommand.php:138:        /** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
flex\src\Command\RecipesCommand.php:29:    /** @var \Symfony\Flex\Flex */
flex\src\Command\RecipesCommand.php:108:        /** @var Recipe $recipe */
framework-bundle\Command\TranslationDebugCommand.php:133:        /** @var KernelInterface $kernel */
doctrine-bridge\PropertyInfo\DoctrineExtractor.php:99:                    /** @var ClassMetadataInfo $subMetadata */
doctrine-bridge\PropertyInfo\DoctrineExtractor.php:106:                        /** @var ClassMetadataInfo $subMetadata */
doctrine-bridge\Form\DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser.php:112:        /** @var ClassMetadataInfo $classMetadata */
dependency-injection\Compiler\ResolveInstanceofConditionalsPass.php:75:                /** @var ChildDefinition $instanceofDef */
dependency-injection\Compiler\ResolveInstanceofConditionalsPass.php:108:            /** @var ChildDefinition $definition */
dependency-injection\Config\ContainerParametersResourceChecker.php:23:    /** @var ContainerInterface */
console\Tester\TesterTrait.php:24:    /** @var StreamOutput */
console\Helper\Table.php:539:        /** @var WrappableOutputFormatterInterface $formatter */
css-selector\XPath\Translator.php:97:        /** @var SelectorNode $selector */
console\Descriptor\ApplicationDescription.php:95:            /** @var Command $command */
console\Command\LockableTrait.php:27:    /** @var Lock */
config\Definition\Dumper\YamlReferenceDumper.php:45:            /** @var NodeInterface[] $children */
cache\DataCollector\CacheDataCollector.php:118:            /** @var TraceableAdapterEvent $call */

[Clover@Clover-NB symfony](master)$ rg '/\* @var '
validator\Constraints\Composite.php:62:        /* @var Constraint[] $nestedConstraints */
validator\Validator\RecursiveContextualValidator.php:455:                    /* @var \Symfony\Component\Validator\GroupSequenceProviderInterface $object */
twig-bridge\Form\TwigRendererEngine.php:151:            /* @var Template $theme */
framework-bundle\Kernel\MicroKernelTrait.php:125:            /* @var ContainerPhpFileLoader $kernelLoader */
framework-bundle\Kernel\MicroKernelTrait.php:155:        /* @var RoutingPhpFileLoader $kernelLoader */
routing\RouteCollectionBuilder.php:296:                /* @var self $route */
property-access\PropertyPath.php:71:            /* @var PropertyPath $propertyPath */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\DoctrineHelper.php:120:            /* @var ClassMetadata $metadata */
maker-bundle\src\Doctrine\EntityRegenerator.php:239:        /* @var $classReflection \ReflectionClass */
maker-bundle\src\Resources\skeleton\validator\Validator.tpl.php:12:        /* @var $constraint \<?= $constraint_class_name ?> */
http-client\Response\AmpResponse.php:204:            /* @var Response $response */
doctrine-bridge\Test\TestRepositoryFactory.php:54:        /* @var $metadata ClassMetadata */
config\ResourceCheckerConfigCache.php:94:            /* @var ResourceInterface $resource */
config\Resource\SelfCheckingResourceChecker.php:33:        /* @var SelfCheckingResourceInterface $resource */

[Clover@Clover-NB symfony](master)$

jfcherng avatar Jun 10 '20 10:06 jfcherng

@jfcherng Thanks for confirming, just got to know this auto conversion by php cs fixer only happens in cases where there is no assignment like this:

/* @var Contract $subject */

Anyways would be nice if this is supported

aszenz avatar Jun 10 '20 11:06 aszenz

where there is no assignment like this:

/* @var Contract $subject */

Not on my side. image

But I am not against supporting /* @var ... since it's not a BC breaking feature.

jfcherng avatar Jun 10 '20 11:06 jfcherng

@jfcherng Thanks, I made up an exact example to reproduce it:


if (true) {
    /** @var Contract $subject */

Using symfony rules this is converted to /* @var Contract $subject */

aszenz avatar Jun 10 '20 12:06 aszenz

@jfcherng Thanks, I made up an exact example to reproduce it:


if (true) {
    /** @var Contract $subject */

Using symfony rules this is converted to /* @var Contract $subject */

Feel weird but confirmed.

jfcherng avatar Jun 10 '20 12:06 jfcherng

any update on this?

shushenghong avatar Mar 20 '21 02:03 shushenghong

also need support for /* @var $obj Class */

shushenghong avatar Jan 30 '22 00:01 shushenghong

support please

sdykae avatar Feb 03 '22 00:02 sdykae

any update?

erlangparasu avatar Feb 14 '22 01:02 erlangparasu

v1.8.2 any update?

erlangparasu avatar Feb 23 '22 04:02 erlangparasu

também preciso de apoio para /* @var $obj Class */

renan-arrieiro avatar Feb 28 '22 11:02 renan-arrieiro

Fix your "converters", /* is not a docblock.

AnrDaemon avatar Mar 04 '22 12:03 AnrDaemon

image Please, support /** @var $obj Class */

AntonyZ89 avatar Jun 01 '22 02:06 AntonyZ89

It is supported. Except it is senseless. But supported.

AnrDaemon avatar Jun 01 '22 09:06 AnrDaemon

Use the following rule to prevent conversion /** @var */: phpdoc_to_comment.ignored_tags

// .php-cs-fixer.php


return (new PhpCsFixer\Config())
        // ... more rules
        'phpdoc_to_comment' => ['ignored_tags' => ['var']],

hyunmui avatar Dec 27 '22 15:12 hyunmui

image Please, support /** @var $obj Class */

-1 for this feature.

Both /* @var */ and /** @var $obj Class */ are wrong, should not be supported. You should fix your linter.

asispts avatar Sep 07 '23 13:09 asispts

when I use something like this in my tests

 /** @var CEClient $ceClient */
$ceClient = $this->mock(CEClient::class);

everything works

but if I use

/** @var CEClient $ceClient */
$ceClient = $this->mock(CEClient::class, function (MockInterface $mock) {
        ->andThrow(new Exception('Exception occurred'));

It doesn't recognize the type correctly, image

romanstingler avatar Jan 17 '24 08:01 romanstingler