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Graph Integration Platform

Results 24 grip issues
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Indexing method: Example code: One idea would be to refactor existing indexing code used by the KV graph code, so that it can be layered onto other drivers...


The `JobStorage` interface is defined in Currently there is only a file system based implementation. There should also be an ElasticSearch backed interface to store traversal jobs can be...


- [ ] Enable mongo (partial mongo pipeline execution ?) - [ ] Add security options - [ ] Additional unit tests

Allow user to do comparisons against previously stored elements. Example: ``` G.query().V().hasLabel("Character").as_("1").out("homeworld").out("residents").has(gripql.neq("$1._gid", "$._gid")) ```

Currently grip CLI only utilizes the GRPC client, so can't talk to a server that only exposes the HTTP port.

As a grip CLI user, when I need to interact with a secured grip server, I need to provide my credentials.

As a grip admin, when the server starts without auth, I should see a warning log message, so I'm aware there is no security configured. The message should provide a...