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Example that uses atol to adjust absolute tolerances for CVODE
I'm using scikits
because it's listed on the CVODE webpage. I'm building a biochemical simulator. Since populations of molecules must be non-negative, I'm following the advice in Hindmarsh, Serban and Reynolds, User Documentation for cvode v5.0.0, 2019, which recommends that tighter absolute tolerances be used to reduce the magnitude of negative values. However, I find that changing atol
does not change the solver behavior. I'm passing atol like this:
from scikits.odes import ode
options = {'atol': 1e-11}
CVODE_SOLVER = 'cvode'
solver = ode(CVODE_SOLVER, right_hand_side, old_api=False, **options)
Is this correct? Do you have an example that uses atol to adjust absolute tolerances for CVODE?
Thanks, Arthur
This is correct and should work. Note that the default is 1e-12, and rtol 1e-6, so setting 1e-11 might not have effect. To see this action, open the jupyter notebook locally: https://github.com/bmcage/odes/blob/master/ipython_examples/Simple%20Oscillator.ipynb
After the first section, so after [9], you can for example do following command to see obtain a more precise solution:
options1= {'rtol': 1e-6, 'atol': 1e-12, 'max_steps': 50000} # default rtol and atol
options2= {'rtol': 1e-15, 'atol': 1e-25, 'max_steps': 50000}
solver1 = ode('cvode', rhseqn, old_api=False, **options1)
solver2 = ode('cvode', rhseqn, old_api=False, **options2)
solution1 = solver1.solve([0., 1., 60], initx)
solution2 = solver2.solve([0., 1., 60], initx)
print('\n t Solution1 Solution2 Exact')
for t, u1, u2 in zip(solution1.values.t, solution1.values.y, solution2.values.y):
print('{0:>4.0f} {1:15.8g} {2:15.8g} {3:15.8g}'.format(t, u1[0], u2[0],
Output would be:
t Solution1 Solution2 Exact
0 1 1 1
1 -0.37069371 -0.37068197 -0.37068197
60 0.8430298 0.84321153 0.84321153
Thanks, that's helpful. I evaluated the sensitivity of 17 test cases to the tolerances. 2020-01-08_test_tols_all.txt.pdf
I'm confused on how to interpret this. Rel tol of 0.0001 has highest compute time ? For failure rate, do you consider max steps reached a failure ? For advanced computation, one should use cvode stepwise, so compute forward one step at a time without using max_steps.