kohya_ss copied to clipboard
’not found data‘error when training
17:45:46-693860 INFO Training has ended. 17:52:57-749330 INFO Start training LoRA Standard ... 17:52:57-751289 INFO Validating lr scheduler arguments... 17:52:57-751289 INFO Validating optimizer arguments... 17:52:57-752288 INFO Validating model file or folder path G:/Comfyui/ComfyUI-aki-v1.3/models/checkpoints/sdXL_v10.safetensors existence... 17:52:57-754288 INFO ...valid 17:52:57-754288 INFO Validating output_dir path G:/Comfyui/kohyass/output existence... 17:52:57-755710 INFO ...valid 17:52:57-756715 INFO Validating train_data_dir path G:/Comfyui/kohyass/train data/30_2D existence... 17:52:57-757716 INFO ...valid 17:52:57-757716 INFO reg_data_dir not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-759719 INFO logging_dir not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-762722 INFO log_tracker_config not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-763719 INFO resume not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-764718 INFO vae not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-765720 INFO network_weights not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-766717 INFO dataset_config not specified, skipping validation 17:52:57-769718 INFO Regulatization factor: 1 17:52:57-771717 INFO Total steps: 0 17:52:57-772717 INFO Train batch size: 2 17:52:57-773738 INFO Gradient accumulation steps: 1 17:52:57-774817 INFO Epoch: 30 17:52:57-775824 INFO Max train steps: 1600 17:52:57-777824 INFO stop_text_encoder_training = 0 17:52:57-777824 INFO lr_warmup_steps = 0 17:52:57-780823 INFO Saving training config to G:/Comfyui/kohyass/output\glass_20240501-175257.json... 17:52:57-782823 INFO Executing command: "G:\Comfyui\kohyass\kohya_ss\venv\Scripts\accelerate.EXE" launch --dynamo_backend no --dynamo_mode default --mixed_precision bf16 --num_processes 1 --num_machines 1 --num_cpu_threads_per_process 2 "G:/Comfyui/kohyass/kohya_ss/sd-scripts/sdxl_train_network.py" --config_file "./outputs/config_lora-20240501-175257.toml" with shell=True 17:52:57-788823 INFO Command executed. A matching Triton is not available, some optimizations will not be enabled. Error caught was: No module named 'triton' 2024-05-01 17:53:04 INFO Loading settings from ./outputs/config_lora-20240501-175257.toml... train_util.py:3744 INFO ./outputs/config_lora-20240501-175257 train_util.py:3763 2024-05-01 17:53:04 INFO prepare tokenizers sdxl_train_util.py:134 2024-05-01 17:53:06 INFO update token length: 75 sdxl_train_util.py:159 INFO Using DreamBooth method. train_network.py:172 INFO prepare images. train_util.py:1572 INFO 0 train images with repeating. train_util.py:1613 INFO 0 reg images. train_util.py:1616 WARNING no regularization images / 正則化画像が見つかりませんでした train_util.py:1621 INFO [Dataset 0] config_util.py:565 batch_size: 2 resolution: (1024, 1024) enable_bucket: False network_multiplier: 1.0
INFO [Dataset 0] config_util.py:571
INFO loading image sizes. train_util.py:853
0it [00:00, ?it/s] INFO make buckets train_util.py:859 WARNING min_bucket_reso and max_bucket_reso are ignored if bucket_no_upscale is train_util.py:876 set, because bucket reso is defined by image size automatically / bucket_no_upscaleが指定された場合は、bucketの解像度は画像サイズから自動計 算されるため、min_bucket_resoとmax_bucket_resoは無視されます INFO number of images (including repeats) / train_util.py:905 各bucketの画像枚数(繰り返し回数を含む) G:\Comfyui\kohyass\kohya_ss\venv\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\fromnumeric.py:3504: RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice. return _methods._mean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, G:\Comfyui\kohyass\kohya_ss\venv\lib\site-packages\numpy\core_methods.py:129: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount) INFO mean ar error (without repeats): nan train_util.py:915 ERROR No data found. Please verify arguments (train_data_dir must be the train_network.py:212 parent of folders with images) / 画像がありません。引数指定を確認してください(train_data_dirには画像が あるフォルダではなく、画像があるフォルダの親フォルダを指定する必要があ ります) 17:53:08-090420 INFO Training has ended.
my image folder name:30_2D
You need to put the parent folder of that firectory as the image directory... not the actual folder containing the images. So if 30_2D
is in a folder called img
then put img
as the image folder.
You need to put the parent folder of that firectory as the image directory... not the actual folder containing the images. So if
is in a folder calledimg
then putimg
as the image folder.