Bethany Maizels
Bethany Maizels
The 'onMethod' is the current approved workaround for this (I had even put an example in the REAME when coding immutables) : ``` @Value @Builder @DynamoDbImmutable(builder = Customer.CustomerBuilder.class) public static...
@helloworldless > So ideally the Enhanced Client would support something like below, where the `@DynamoDbDerivedAttribute` would tell the SDK not to look for this field on the Builder: > >...
Still giving this deep thought. I recently implemented a compound attribute like the second example you describe, and in that case I actually added a method to the builder to...
@nadernader99 @bigunyak @Bolshem @reply2srij @ecaglar @ervinpm you now have support for `toBuilder` (see I know this only addresses part of the issue with Lombok, for the other stuff you...
Started taking a look at designing this. If we were to implement the proposal above as it's written we'd need to insert our own type metadata into the attribute map...
Here's an alternative idea that's closer to the original proposal. In this case the only difference from that proposal is we're requiring the application to explicitly designate the name of...
I've been working on this - it's a complex change. Would any interested parties mind sharing their use-case (specifically describing how polymorphic mapping would be used to help solve it...
@musketyr (hey long time no speak!) yeah I think I get it, and that's pretty much the use-case I had in mind. Something like 'get me all the connected entities...
@DavidSeptimus That's awesome, thanks so much for sharing. Even just glancing at it I can tell we're on the same wavelength with regards around how to solve it (I also...
@miguelcss To accomplish an access pattern such as "give me a Department and all the teams in it" you would need the polymorphic changes I am proposing. With those, I...