Currently identifiers of queries are built automatically, and are far too long. To do: optimize this.
In the `Cluster` refactoring, we created a base class `BaseBackend` which prevents multiple simultaneous active versions of a `Component`. We need to provide error handling, user feedback and warnings...
Create a function which defaults to doing nothing (or very little) in the OSS implementation which performs actions needed in the places where we currently send requests to services.
Example: ```json { "_base": "?test", "_builds": { "dill_lazy": { "_path": "superduper.components.datatype.get_serializer", "method": "dill", "encodable": "lazy_artifact" }, "1c94cb0a8bbabb82c63be6ac52d3a1edf4fe5d79": { "_path": "superduper.components.datatype.LazyArtifact", "datatype": "?dill_lazy", "blob": "&:blob:s3://" }, "test": { "_path": "superduper.components.model.ObjectModel", "object":...
When users are interacting with the system, they should not need to care too much about where the model is running. `superduper` will provide the best place to run the...