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virtual_write for map widget point updates
hi all. I'm struggling with this python lib trying to update points in a blynk app map/
I was reading where a possible solution is to use that REST API to update. Also without a solution.
how I can update a map widget here with python lib, I fact I'm using an ESP32 running last official Micropython 1.15. any hint? thanks in advance.
More details, for the REST API get method vs a virtualWrite @ arduino, I compiled a c/arduino sketch and all worked right. REST API I was trying this python code: ... value = '60,1,-34.754129,-56.6964227,test1' r = lib.urequests.get(""+str(value)) ... it worked for a simple text input widget, not map.
For map, I also captured in input text wigget what was send to V60 virtual pin where I attached the widget map and get this:
But with Arduino I have got 0-34.507-56.128position#61 that seems the same but I note some control caracters between values like 0[non ascii]-34.507[non ascii]-56.128[non ascii]position#61
_#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial #include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <BlynkSimpleEsp32.h> char ssid[] = "PlantaAlta.2Ghz"; char pass[] = "************************"; char auth[] = "**************************NMYX";
WidgetMap myMap(V60);
void setup() { // Debug console Serial.begin(115200);
Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass,IPAddress(192,168,1,2),8080);
int index = 0; float lat = -34.5074; float lon = -56.1278;
myMap.location(index, lat, lon, "position#2");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V61, 0, lat, lon, "position#61"); Serial.println( string(0), string(lat), string(lon), "position#61"); }
void loop() {; }_
Hi Kindmartin! Simple blynk.virtual_write(pin, 2, -33.754129, -56.6964227, 'test2') should work for you. This should add point with certain location to map somewhere in Uruguay ))
When you can do it ( write value)? means that here hidden auth connect , hadlers registration etc.
For example you can add value widget to display pin value each 10 sec
@blynk.handle_event('read V11')
def read_virtual_pin_handler(pin):
blynk.virtual_write(pin, 2, -33.754129, -56.6964227, 'test2')
To learn more about lib implementation capabilities I suggest you to examine examples for different operations and try to play with them - to get expertise for read/write pin calls Each example has great description and schema in header. I think they might be very helpful for your findings.
Thanks, Anto, I will re-try and update. I think I tested a lot before on blynk.virtual_write(pin, 2, -33.754129, -56.6964227, 'test2') and similar, but for an unknown something it doesn't works (probably due the usual silly reason I cannot see). I will update soon.
It worked.... thanks and sorry for taking time without more self testing, btw, Im from Buenos Aires Argentina so those coordinates are some ones I wrote ramdombly.
one more thing before close this one. in arduino we can clean the widget map using myMap.clear() (related to WidgetMap myMap(Pin) )
how we could clean/delete old points ?
how we could clean/delete old points ? As I can see within
void clear() {
Blynk.virtualWrite(mPin, "clr");
Let's try this approach with python lib )) -> blynk.virtual_write(pin, "clr")
It worked charmingly!
Thanks Anto!
PD I still have to understand fix why I get some IOerrors when I try to virtual write vpins
_>>> bkwupdateBlynkLoc each 20 seg") mem free loop: 3738304
bkw.blynk.disconnect() [DISCONNECT_EVENT] .===>>>> memory pre update {'ram': {'lat': -34.52522, 'QtyWifis': 11, 'uid': 'fcf5c43cfb60', 'FlagA9GENA': True, 'FlagA9GData': False, 'timestamp': '20210510 13:39:25', 'QtyCells': 2, 'accuracy': 20, 'lon': -58.49915, 'FlagAlarmed': 0}}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(60, "clr")mem free 2: 3734048
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
AGPS position -34.52527,-58.49914 2Cells 8wifis (accuracy= 20m, rt:3s) ===>>>> memory after update {'ram': {'lat': -34.52527, 'QtyWifis': 8, 'uid': 'fcf5c43cfb60', 'FlagA9GENA': True, 'FlagA9GData': False, 'timestamp': '20210510 13:39:53', 'QtyCells': 2, 'accuracy': 20, 'lon': -58.49914, 'FlagAlarmed': 0}} [CONNECT_EVENT] -34.52527 -58.49914 Home #2,20210510 13:39:53 bkw.blynk.virtual_write(60, "clr") 14 updateBlynkLoc each 20 seg mem free loop: 3597632_
now as a workaround I force to blynk.disconnect() then connect() then do the virtual writes.
lib. is a module where I just import libraries for this project
bkw. is another module where I have all hw related real pins declarations and class instances fun. is just a module with all non task especific functions. That’s fun!
**async def loop_garbageC(each_s=60): #print('async loop_garbageC') while True: await lib.uasyncio.sleep(each_s) lib.gc.collect() print('mem free loop:',lib.gc.mem_free())
async def updateBlynkLoc(each_s=5): p = 0 while True: print("updateBlynkLoc each {} seg".format(each_s)) print('mem free loop:',lib.gc.mem_free())
print('>>>>> bkw.blynk.disconnect()')
print('===>>>> memory pre update', bkw.memory)
(lat,lon,QtyCells,QtyWifis,accuracy,responseTime) = fun.getAGPS(apikey = 'AIzaSyCW-qcNeQc_-***- _M')
bkw.memory["ram"]["lat"] = lat
bkw.memory["ram"]["lon"] = lon
bkw.memory["ram"]["QtyCells"] = QtyCells
bkw.memory["ram"]["QtyWifis"] = QtyWifis
bkw.memory["ram"]["accuracy"] = accuracy
bkw.memory["ram"]["timestamp"] = fun.nowString()
print('===>>>> memory after update', bkw.memory)
except Exception as error:
print('===>> error')
while bkw.blynk.connected() is False:
info = 'Home #'+str(p)+','+fun.nowString( lib.time.localtime(lib.time.time() + bkw.TMZ ) )
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(60, p, bkw.memory["ram"]["lat"], bkw.memory["ram"]["lon"], info )
print(bkw.memory["ram"]["lat"], bkw.memory["ram"]["lon"],info)
p += 1
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(51, 'lat: {:.5f}'.format(bkw.memory["ram"]["lat"]))
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(52, 'lon: {:.5f}'.format(bkw.memory["ram"]["lon"]))
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(53, 'qtyCells: {}'.format(bkw.memory["ram"]["QtyCells"]))
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(54, 'qtyWifis: {}'.format(bkw.memory["ram"]["QtyWifis"]))
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(55, 'accuracy: {}'.format(bkw.memory["ram"]["accuracy"]))
bkw.blynk.virtual_write(56, 'timestamp: {}'.format(bkw.memory["ram"]["timestamp"]))
await lib.uasyncio.sleep(each_s)
async def loop_blynk(each_ms=500): while True: await lib.uasyncio.sleep_ms(each_ms)**
NameError: name 'IOError' isn't defined
Can be related to HW python specific.
I fact I'm using an ESP32 running last official Micropython 1.15
You mentioned micro_python - thus you need to import not c_python but micro_python lib in your script