Vlad Ilyushchenko
Vlad Ilyushchenko
### Describe the bug My symbol lookup filter was painfully slow. I decided to add index on said symbol. Query remained slow until instance restart. After restart query is much...
### Describe the bug Open https://demo.questdb.io Try pasting the following from iPhone: ```sql select * from trips limit 10 ``` ### To reproduce _No response_ ### Expected Behavior _No response_...
### Describe the bug See the screencast https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7276403/183886237-225d3280-d433-4fad-896a-46300fb88aef.mp4 ### To reproduce _No response_ ### Expected Behavior _No response_ ### Environment ```markdown - **QuestDB version**: - **OS**: - **Browser**: ``` ###...
### Describe the bug ``` select id, time, last(lat) lat, last(lon) lon, geo6 from pos where id = 'YWPCEGICTJSGGBRIJCQVLJ' sample by 15m fill(null) ALIGN to CALENDAR; ``` ### To reproduce...
### Describe the bug 1. create table `weather` 2. execute the following to attempt to drop it ```bash curl -G --data-urlencode \ "query=drop table weather" \ http://localhost:9000/exp ``` Observe response...
### Describe the bug Test closes more file descriptors than it supposed to: ``` 2022-10-16T22:30:41.2758081Z 2022-10-16T22:30:41.219884Z I i.q.TestListener >>>> io.questdb.cutlass.pgwire.PGJobContextTest.testRollbackDataOnStaleTransaction 2022-10-16T22:30:41.2759475Z 2022-10-16T22:30:41.220087Z I i.q.c.AbstractCairoTest Starting test PGJobContextTest#testRollbackDataOnStaleTransaction 2022-10-16T22:30:41.2760732Z 2022-10-16T22:30:41.220455Z A...
### Describe the bug ``` 2022-02-23T21:38:06.240886Z I i.q.c.TableWriter closed 'WEATHER1' 2022-02-23T21:38:06.240889Z I i.q.c.p.WriterPool closed [table=`WEATHER1`, reason=IDLE, by=1] 2022-02-23T21:38:06.240999Z I i.q.c.p.ReaderPool closed 'weather2' [at=0:0, reason=IDLE] 2022-02-23T21:38:06.241025Z I i.q.c.p.ReaderPool closed 'weather2' [at=0:1,...
### Describe the bug Main reason for test timeout is: ``` Excep [error.log](https://github.com/questdb/questdb/files/8128324/error.log) tion in thread "Thread-11832" Exception in thread "Thread-11831" Exception in thread "Thread-11830" java.lang.AssertionError: Data sending failed [e=java.lang.RuntimeException:...
### Describe the bug ``` 2022-10-18T21:10:42.6401136Z 2022-10-18T21:10:42.604271Z I i.q.c.AbstractCairoTest Starting test PGJobContextTest#testRunAlterWhenTableLockedAndAlterTimeoutsToStart 2022-10-18T21:10:42.6403070Z 2022-10-18T21:10:42.605180Z A pg-server listening on [fd=18 backlog=64] 2022-10-18T21:10:42.6404941Z 2022-10-18T21:10:42.616762Z I i.q.c.p.PGJobContextTest os scheduled worker started [name=questdb-pgwire-2149]...
I have a setup with parent pom.xml with no source and modules with coverage files. Plugin fails to find coverage files with this error: > mvn clean cobertura:cobertura org.eluder.coveralls:coveralls-maven-plugin:report [ERROR]...