Vlad Ilyushchenko
Vlad Ilyushchenko
Cool, for when default `-1` is unacceptable, there already is a constructor to supply your own: ```java public IntObjHashMap(int initialCapacity, double loadFactor, int noKeyValue) ```
I would not check; we have a tonne of code like that, which doesn't work in constant paranoia mode. It might be worth adding an `assert` but that would be...
One solution is to use bind variables and give prepared statement a name
I cannot be specific here. Please share your code sample, something I can perhaps see, understand and reproduce.
are you using QuestDB embedded ?
I wish I could just copy-paste SQL from your screenshot .... ``` ( select ... from ... sample by.... ... order by... ) limit 10 ```
what do you mean by "it will be lag"?
thank you, good spot, fixing!
There are couple of ways to rewrite this, depending on the desired outcome. I took liberty to add `where` clause to get response time under control. ## option 1 ```sql...
They are both workarounds to enforce the execution order. The first option adds 2hrs to timestamp after sampling, the second - before. We can have SQL optimiser rewrite: ```sql SELECT...