
Results 3 issues of bluesliuf

环境都配置好了,install.sh也成功了,但是运行run.sh时报错,报错如下: liufan@liufan-Latitude-5401:~/lf/PCAT_open_source$ sh ... logging to /home/liufan/.ros/log/3daba2a2-cd81-11ea-aab5-d81265607069/roslaunch-liufan-Latitude-5401-2505.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is

Thank you for your sharing code. The Pre-trained code link is boken. could you please tell me a avaliable link? Thanks.

谢谢你分享你的代码,我按照你的步骤尝试复现模型,运行 扩充数据集并且生成h5文件和列表,我想问一下,生成的train.txt和valid.txt列表文件里面只有1行吗?类似这样: h5_300w_68_40_box/train.h5149755 h5_300w_68_40_box/valid.h5127920 我运行train.sh后 报错 I0719 17:53:03.728138 3599 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer I0719 17:53:03.728199 3599 net.cpp:86] Creating Layer I0719 17:53:03.728371 3599 net.cpp:382] -> data I0719 17:53:03.728436 3599 net.cpp:382] -> landmarks...