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How to access content in resource documents?

Open prjemian opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

How can a tiled client access content stored in a stream's resource (and datum) documents? For example, this is content in a certain BlueskyRun:

In [10]: list(run.primary._resources)
[Resource({'path_semantics': 'posix',
 'resource_kwargs': {'frame_per_point': 1},
 'resource_path': 'clhome/BDP/voyager/adsimdet/2022/08/30/d585f272-dd9b-4ac0-b521_000.h5',
 'root': '/',
 'run_start': '43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa',
 'spec': 'AD_HDF5',
 'uid': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4'})]

This is stream metadata.

prjemian avatar Dec 13 '22 21:12 prjemian

And then:

In [20]: list(run.primary._get_datum_pages("506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4"))
[{'resource': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4',
  'datum_id': ['506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4/0'],
  'datum_kwargs': {'point_number': [0]}}]

prjemian avatar Dec 13 '22 21:12 prjemian

Our motivation is to tie the Bluesky metadata together with our Data Management system. Somehow. This resource content is missing in the tiled interface at this time.

prjemian avatar Dec 13 '22 21:12 prjemian

Those internal methods (_resources, _get_datum_pages) were not propagated into the new API because there is no efficient way to get them. For older BlueskyRuns, you have to go RunStart -> Descriptors -> Events -> Datums -> Resources which is not great!

Here's how to get the resources reliably, show on some example data:

In [12]: from tiled.client import from_uri

In [13]: c = from_uri("https://tiled-demo.blueskyproject.io")

In [14]: run = c['fxi']['raw'].values().first()

In [15]: [doc for name, doc in run.documents() if name == 'resource']
[Resource({'path_semantics': 'posix',
 'resource_kwargs': {'frame_per_point': 20},
 'resource_path': '2018/04/19/de714974-a43a-4000-882a_000000.h5',
 'root': '60599b64cd89ec0f67f434c2339b8665',
 'spec': 'AD_HDF5',
 'uid': '70bffef4-c092-4b57-b955-ed57218faf22'})]

danielballan avatar Dec 14 '22 13:12 danielballan

In [3]: run = c["bdp2022"]["43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa"].values().first()

In [7]: run
Out[7]: <BlueskyEventStream {'config', 'data', 'config_timestamps', 'timestamps'} stream_name='primary'>

In [8]: [doc for name, doc in run.documents() if name == 'resource']
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 1
----> 1 [doc for name, doc in run.documents() if name == 'resource']

File ~/micromamba/envs/tiled/lib/python3.10/site-packages/databroker/client.py:172, in BlueskyEventStream.__getattr__(self, key)
    170 if key in self:
    171     return self[key]
--> 172 raise AttributeError(key)

AttributeError: documents

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 20:12 prjemian

The documents() method is a method on BlueskyRun not BlueskyEventStream. Above you accessed a BlueskyRun by its uid


and then dug inside it to access the first event stream.


You want either

run =c["bdp2022"]["43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa"]


run = c["bdp2022"].values().first()

and then .documents() on that.

danielballan avatar Dec 14 '22 20:12 danielballan


In [9]: run = c["bdp2022"]["43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa"]

In [10]: [doc for name, doc in run.documents() if name == 'resource']
[Resource({'path_semantics': 'posix',
 'resource_kwargs': {'frame_per_point': 1},
 'resource_path': 'clhome/BDP/voyager/adsimdet/2022/08/30/d585f272-dd9b-4ac0-b521_000.h5',
 'root': '/',
 'run_start': '43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa',
 'spec': 'AD_HDF5',
 'uid': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4'})]

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 21:12 prjemian

or even more detail:

In [14]: [doc for name, doc in run.documents() if name in ('resource', 'datum_page')]
[Resource({'path_semantics': 'posix',
 'resource_kwargs': {'frame_per_point': 1},
 'resource_path': 'clhome/BDP/voyager/adsimdet/2022/08/30/d585f272-dd9b-4ac0-b521_000.h5',
 'root': '/',
 'run_start': '43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa',
 'spec': 'AD_HDF5',
 'uid': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4'}),
 DatumPage({'datum_id': ['506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4/0'],
 'datum_kwargs': {'point_number': [0]},
 'resource': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4'})]

Thanks, @danielballan !

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 21:12 prjemian

Now, trying that same request using requests.get(uri) 👍

In [11]: r = requests.get(uri)

In [12]: import json

In [13]: json.loads(r.text)
JSONDecodeError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 1
----> 1 json.loads(r.text)

File ~/micromamba/envs/tiled/lib/python3.10/json/__init__.py:346, in loads(s, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
    341     s = s.decode(detect_encoding(s), 'surrogatepass')
    343 if (cls is None and object_hook is None and
    344         parse_int is None and parse_float is None and
    345         parse_constant is None and object_pairs_hook is None and not kw):
--> 346     return _default_decoder.decode(s)
    347 if cls is None:
    348     cls = JSONDecoder

File ~/micromamba/envs/tiled/lib/python3.10/json/decoder.py:340, in JSONDecoder.decode(self, s, _w)
    338 end = _w(s, end).end()
    339 if end != len(s):
--> 340     raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end)
    341 return obj

JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 1509)

Same error as with r.json()

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 22:12 prjemian

But this works:

In [28]: for line in r.text.splitlines():
    ...:     key, doc = json.loads(line)
    ...:     if key in ("resource", "datum_page"):
    ...:         print(f"{key}: {doc}")
resource: {'spec': 'AD_HDF5', 'root': '/', 'resource_path': 'clhome/BDP/voyager/adsimdet/2022/08/30/d585f272-dd9b-4ac0-b521_000.h5', 'resource_kwargs': {'frame_per_point': 1}, 'path_semantics': 'posix', 'uid': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4', 'run_start': '43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa'}
datum_page: {'resource': '506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4', 'datum_id': ['506944a6-7632-4db8-9448-82b258211ed4/0'], 'datum_kwargs': {'point_number': [0]}}

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 22:12 prjemian

Something about this request:

In [30]: requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/v1/documents/bdp2022/43044b6e-f6ba-48cb-a975-90d236dcbaaa?fill=false")
Out[30]: <Response [200]>

that returns results.text which cannot be parsed in whole as JSON.

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 23:12 prjemian

This works:

yaml.load(f"[{requests.get(uri).text.strip()}]".replace("\n", ","), yaml.Loader)

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 23:12 prjemian

So does:

json.loads(f"[{requests.get(uri).text.strip()}]".replace("\n", ","))

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 23:12 prjemian

Here is the concise code that overcomes:

# special handling here to overcome a problem with this API request
import json
r = requests.get(uri)  # note no json() call here, it's a problem in the server's response
r = f"[{requests.get(uri).text.strip()}]".replace("\n", ",")
r = json.loads(r)

{k:doc for k, doc in r if k in ("datum_page", "resource")}

So the text reponse for this URI is not proper JSON. Here is a fragment:

mdet": ["adsimdet_image"]}}]\n["resource", {"spec": "AD

See, the \n delimiter between the two documents? Should be a ,. Also, the entire response with multiple documents must be enclosed in [response].

prjemian avatar Dec 14 '22 23:12 prjemian

The format of the response in newline-delimited json, a.k.a. "ndjson". This format is not itself valid JSON. Rather, it is lines of text where each individual line is valid JSON.

Why not just use a JSON list? A JSON list would require the entire response to be received before it could be parsed, where ndjson can be transmitted and parsed one item at a time. It is a streaming-friendly JSON alternative, well suited to transmitting Bluesky document streams.

How can one tell what format this is without knowing a priori? The HTTP content-type header declares the format. Take this example:

In [16]: response = requests.get('https://tiled-demo.blueskyproject.io/api/v1/documents/fxi/raw/d106586f-44e6-4045-8bf6-985cfdef3574?fill=false')

In [17]: response.headers['content-type']
Out[17]: 'application/x-ndjson'

It can be parsed in a streaming fashion like this:

import json
[json.loads(line) for line in response.iter_lines()]

danielballan avatar Dec 15 '22 02:12 danielballan

@danielballan You have put a lot of thought into this tool. I learn more each day.

prjemian avatar Dec 15 '22 03:12 prjemian


danielballan avatar Dec 15 '22 11:12 danielballan

@prjemian Be advised that the next beta release of databroker, which will be databroker v2.0.0b14, will change the structure of the documents from GET /documents. Previously, it sent JSON like [name, doc]. Going forward it will send JSON like {"name": name, "doc": doc}. This is preferred by our friends at Diamond and more "idiomatic" for web data payloads.

Everything about the above conversation is unchanged otherwise.

danielballan avatar Feb 02 '23 14:02 danielballan