audioplayers copied to clipboard
Player has not yet been created or has already been disposed. at a8.m.q() at a8.m.J() at a8.m.n()
- [X] I read the troubleshooting guide before raising this issue
- [X] I made sure that the issue I am raising doesn't already exist
Current bug behaviour
In release mode, the audioplayer causes random crashes on exiting and re-entering a screen where audioplayer plays a background song. I'm releasing the resources with await and disposing the audio player and when I play a song I do check if the player is already disposed then create a new instance and release any other resources.
Expected behaviour
It should play normally without crash
Steps to reproduce
- Enter the screen with audioplayer
- Exit the screen
- Re-enter
Code sample
Future<void> play(String fileName, {bool loop = false}) async {
if (_audioPlayer.state == PlayerState.disposed) {
_audioPlayer = AudioPlayer();
await _audioPlayer.release();'sounds/$fileName'), volume: _volume);
if (loop) {
Affected platforms
Platform details
Platform 1: Android Moto C Plus Platform 2 : Android 13 Redmi 11 Prime
AudioPlayers Version
Build mode
Audio Files/URLs/Sources
No response
Fatal Exception: io.flutter.plugins.firebase.crashlytics.FlutterError: PlatformException(Unexpected AndroidAudioError, Player has not yet been created or has already been disposed., java.lang.IllegalStateException: Player has not yet been created or has already been disposed.
at a8.m.q()
at a8.m.J()
at a8.m.n()
at a8.m$b.d()
at a8.m$b.invoke()
at a8.m$d.invokeSuspend()
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.a.resumeWith()
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.a.Q()
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.a$c.d()
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.a$c.n()
at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.a$
, null)
at StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope(message_codecs.dart:652)
at MethodChannel._invokeMethod(platform_channel.dart:310)
at AudioPlayer.stop(audioplayer.dart:213)
at AudioPlayer.release(audioplayer.dart:229)
at AudioPlayer.dispose(audioplayer.dart:382)
at AudioManager._disposeMusic(audio_manager.dart:112)
at AudioManager.dispose(audio_manager.dart:99)
Related issues / more information
No response
Working on PR
no way
Did you also experience that behavior with the latest version 5.2.0
Sorry, feel free to contribute. We are on our limits right now.
ListView.builder does not keep state when reordering the child, you will either need to use ListView or ListView.custom and provides your own builder and with this callback
ListView.builder does not keep state when reordering the child, you will either need to use ListView or ListView.custom and provides your own builder and with this callback
I don't think that's related to the problem. Anyways, this issue increased by a whole lot after I updated audioplayers to 5.2.1 on the prod build. I'm using audioplayer to play a background music on one of my screens and then dispose it once the screen is closed.
then dispose it once the screen is closed.
You may have some async calls to the player, which are executed after the Widget's dispose method has been called. This can be avoided by checking if the widget is still mounted, before calling any async player action.
if (mounted) {
//Do something
@ehtiqamar in your code example you are checking the _audioPlayer
, which means that is has to be initialized before. How do you do that?
if (_audioPlayer.state == PlayerState.disposed) {
_audioPlayer = AudioPlayer();
Or can you provide an app example where we can test the back and forth?
Also try to call await for every async operation, if possible (like