GitLab-API-v4 copied to clipboard
methods that download files aren't handled correctly by GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient
In the gitlab v4 api there are functions that download files, for example the artifact functions under jobs, this causes an error in GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient, and in gitlabl-api-v4
Actual error depends on perl version
$ perl -Mdiagnostics -S gitlab-api-v4 job-artifacts repo/project 8003
Redundant argument in sprintf at
/home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 66 (#1)
(W redundant) You called a function with more arguments than other
arguments you supplied indicated would be needed. Currently only
emitted when a printf-type format required fewer arguments than were
supplied, but might be used in the future for e.g. "pack" in perlfunc.
Uncaught exception from user code:
Redundant argument in sprintf at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 66.
GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient::croakf("Error decoding JSON (%s %s %s): ", "GET", ""..., 200, "malformed JSON string, neither tag, array, object, number, st"...) called at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 243
GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient::catch {...} ("malformed JSON string, neither tag, array, object, number, st"...) called at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/Try/ line 123
Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x55ceea834e08), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x55cee96f1710)) called at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 245
GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient::request(GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient=HASH(0x55cee9d42de0), "GET", "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts", ARRAY(0x55ceea79c2c0), HASH(0x55ceea7c6200)) called at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/ line 123
GitLab::API::v4::_call_rest_client(GitLab::API::v4=HASH(0x55ceea813068), "GET", "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts", ARRAY(0x55ceea79c2c0), HASH(0x55ceea7c6200)) called at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/ line 4062
GitLab::API::v4::job_artifacts(GitLab::API::v4=HASH(0x55ceea813068), "repo/project", 8003) called at /home/gitlab/perl5/bin/gitlab-api-v4 line 115
(Older versions without the 'redundant' warning class)
$ perl -Mdiagnostics -S gitlab-api-v4 job-artifacts repo/project 8003
Uncaught exception from user code:
malformed JSON string, neither tag, array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "PK\x{3}\x{4}\x{14}\x{0}...") at /usr/local/share/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 177.
at /usr/local/share/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 177.
GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient::request(GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient=HASH(0x1ef65a0), "GET", "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts", ARRAY(0x2a3c448), HASH(0x23f9558)) called at /usr/loc
al/share/perl5/GitLab/API/ line 123
GitLab::API::v4::_call_rest_client(GitLab::API::v4=HASH(0x23cd8e8), "GET", "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts", ARRAY(0x2a3c448), HASH(0x23f9558)) called at /usr/local/share/perl5
/GitLab/API/ line 3872
GitLab::API::v4::job_artifacts(GitLab::API::v4=HASH(0x23cd8e8), "repo/project", 8003) called at /usr/local/bin/gitlab-api-v4 line 117
Similarly, using the module directly:
$ reply
0> use GitLab::API::v4::Config; use GitLab::API::v4;
1> my $api = GitLab::API::v4->new( GitLab::API::v4::Config->new->args );
$res[0] = bless( {
'_access_token_closure' => sub { "DUMMY" },
'_private_token_closure' => sub { "DUMMY" },
'retries' => 0,
'url' => ''
}, 'GitLab::API::v4' )
2> my $artifacts = $api->job_artifacts('repo/project', 8003);
Redundant argument in sprintf at /home/gitlab/perl5/lib/perl5/GitLab/API/v4/ line 66.