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Scala/Akka XMPP client library
Barkety - An Akka compatible XMPP client library.
While the Apache Camel project has an xmpp component and though Jive Software's Smack is ubiquitous neither fulfill my desires:
- Convenient roster management,
- supervision hierarchy ready,
- and actor-level isolation of state management.
Akka's bindings to camel-xmpp provide the last two and plain Smack allows only the first point.
The tippy-top of the supervision hierarchy is ChatSupervisor. It understands
messages and will reply back with an ActorRef to a
Chatter actor. You must send this actor RegisterParent(ref:ActorRef)
order to route inbound messages to another
actor. OutboundMessage(msg:String)
will send a message to the partner
connected by the Chatter.
By default, all chats are preceded by roster subscription invitations.
import us.troutwine.barkety._
class Acty(child:ActorRef) extends Actor {
child ! RegisterParent(self)
def receive = {
case InboundMessage(msg:String) => println(msg)
object Main extends Application {
val jid = JID("[email protected]")
val chatsup = actorOf(new ChatSupervisor(jid, "123456")).start
(chatsup !! CreateChat(JID("[email protected]"))) match {
case Some(chatter) =>
actorOf(new Acty(chatter)).start
chatter ! OutboundMessage("Hi, you!")
case None =>