react-responsive icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-responsive copied to clipboard

πŸ” <Only /> displays some contents for particular screen sizes


@blocz/react-responsive is inspired by the .visible classes from bootstrap 4 (or .hidden classes from bootstrap 3): only display a certain content for a precise screen size.

It allows you to display component only for particular screen sizes.

If you need a responsive layout and adaptive components, @blocz/react-responsive is here for you!

See changelog

Table of contents

  1. How to use
    1. <Only>
      1. Default breakpoints
      2. Additional Up and Down
      3. Match Media Queries
      4. Render as component
    2. Hooks
      1. useBreakpoint()
      2. useMediaQuery()
    3. <Match>
      1. only and matchMedia props
      2. Use a custom component in Match
    4. <BreakpointsProvider>
      1. Add more breakpoints
      2. Change default breakpoints
      3. Units
      4. Direction
    5. CSS in JS
      1. toJSON
      2. toCSS
    6. Comparison to other libraries
    7. matchMedia polyfill
      1. Browser
      2. Node
    8. FAQ

How to use


Default breakpoints

@blocz/react-responsive is based on the classic bootstrap breakpoints: xs, sm, md, lg and xl.

import React from "react";
import { Only } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
    <Only on="xs">Only visible for extra small devices (portrait phones)</Only>
    <Only on="sm">Only visible for small devices (landscape phones)</Only>
    <Only on="md">Only visible for medium devices (tablets)</Only>
    <Only on="lg">Only visible for large devices (desktops)</Only>
    <Only on="xl">Only visible for extra large devices (large desktops)</Only>
    <Only on="sm xl">Only visible for small AND extra large devices</Only>

By default, the breakpoints are:

Breakpoint From To
xs 0px 575px
sm 576px 767px
md 768px 991px
lg 992px 1199px
xl 1200px Infinity

Additional Up and Down

In addition to the regular breakpoints, you have another api defined {breakpoint}Up and {breakpoint}Down:

import React from "react";
import { Only } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
    <Only on="smUp">Visible on every device bigger or equal than "small"</Only>
    <Only on="mdDown">Visible on every device smaller or equal than "medium"</Only>

Match Media Queries

For more advanced media queries, the prop matchMedia can be set to any regular query supported by window.matchMedia.

import React from "react";
import { Only } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
  <Only matchMedia="(min-device-width: 500px) and (orientation: landscape)">
    Visible on every device bigger than "500px" and in landscape mode

More infos about CSS media queries

Note: If you use breakpoints AND matchMedia, the component will be displayed if one of the breakpoints is matched OR if the media query is fulfilled.

Render as component

If you want the Only components to render as another component, you can use the as props:

import React from "react";
import { Only } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
    <Only as="li" on="xs">
      Only visible for extra small devices (portrait phones)
    <Only as="li" on="sm">
      Only visible for small devices (landscape phones)
    <Only as="li" on="md">
      Only visible for medium devices (tablets)
    <Only as="li" on="lg">
      Only visible for large devices (desktops)
    <Only as="li" on="xl">
      Only visible for extra large devices (large desktops)
    <Only as="li" on="sm xl">
      Only visible for small AND extra large devices

The as props can take any DOM tag string (div, ul, li, ...) or any React component:

import React from "react";
import { Only } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const Custom = ({ title, children }) => (

const App = () => (
    <Only as={Custom} title="xs" on="xs">
      Only visible for extra small devices (portrait phones)
    <Only as={Custom} title="sm" on="sm">
      Only visible for small devices (landscape phones)
    <Only as={Custom} title="md" on="md">
      Only visible for medium devices (tablets)
    <Only as={Custom} title="lg" on="lg">
      Only visible for large devices (desktops)
    <Only as={Custom} title="xl" on="xl">
      Only visible for extra large devices (large desktops)
    <Only as={Custom} title="sm xl" on="sm xl">
      Only visible for small AND extra large devices

Note that any props except for matchMedia, as and on will be forwarded to the as props.



useBreakpoint is a hook that detects if the given breakpoint matches the current viewport.

import React from "react";
import { useBreakpoint } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => {
  const matchXl = useBreakpoint("xl");
  const matchMdDown = useBreakpoint("mdDown");
  const matchMdOrLg = useBreakpoint("md lg");
  return (
      {matchXl && <li>Visible on every "large" device</li>}
      {matchMdDown && <li>Visible on every device smaller or equal than "medium"</li>}
      {matchMdOrLg && <li>Visible on every "medium" or "large" device</li>}


useMediaQuery is a hook that detects if the given media query matches the current viewport.

import React from "react";
import { useMediaQuery } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => {
  const matchMediaQuery = useMediaQuery("(min-width:768px) and (max-width:992px),(max-width:576px)");
  return <ul>{matchMediaQuery && <li>Visible at (min-width:768px) and (max-width:992px),(max-width:576px)</li>}</ul>;


only and matchMedia props

The Match will look into every props of its children (and event nested children) to detect only and matchMedia props. If one of those is found, it will wrap the child in a Only component will those props auto-set.

import React from "react";
import { Only, Match } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
    <div only="xs">xs</div>
    <div only="sm">sm</div>
    <div only="md">md</div>
    <div only="sm lg">sm and lg</div>
    <div only="xl">xl</div>
          <div only="smDown">nested smDown</div>
    <div matchMedia="(min-width:768px) and (max-width:992px),(max-width:576px)">
      {"(min-width:768px) and (max-width:992px),(max-width:576px)"}

Use a custom component in Match

You can also render the Match component as another one:

import React from "react";
import { Only, Match } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
  <Match as="ul">
    <li only="xs">xs</li>
    <li only="sm">sm</li>
    <li only="md">md</li>
    <li only="lg">lg</li>
    <li only="xl">xl</li>

If you’re using TypeScript, Match will work out of the box for native DOM elements. But if you want to use it for custom components, you’ll have to use the type MatchChildProps:

import * as React from "react";
import { Match, MatchChildProps } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

// MatchChildProps includes the props `only` and `matchMedia`
interface CustomProps extends MatchChildProps {
  title: string;

const Custom: React.FunctionComponent<CustomProps> = ({ title, children }) => (

const App = () => (
    <Custom only="xs" title="xs">
    <Custom only="sm" title="sm">
    <Custom only="md" title="md">
    <Custom only="lg" title="lg">
    <Custom only="xl" title="xl">


BreakpointsProvider defines the values of every breakpoints.

Use it to inject or modify the breakpoints (only use one BreakpointsProvider per build).

Add more breakpoints

import React from "react";
import { Only, BreakpointsProvider } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
  <BreakpointsProvider additionalBreakpoints={{ customBrkPts: [263, 863] }}>
    <Only on="customBrkPts">Visible on every device from "263px" to "863px"</Only>
    <Only on="customBrkPtsUp">Visible on every device bigger than "263px"</Only>
    <Only on="customBrkPtsDown">Visible on every device smaller than "863px"</Only>

Change default breakpoints

import React from "react";
import { Only, BreakpointsProvider } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
  <BreakpointsProvider breakpoints={{ sm: [263, 863] }}>
    <Only on="sm">Visible on every device from "263px" to "863px"</Only>
    <Only on="smUp">Visible on every device bigger than "263px"</Only>
    <Only on="smDown">Visible on every device smaller than "863px"</Only>

Warning: This overrides completely the default breakpoints, in this example, the other breakpoints xs, md, lg and xl are no longer defined!


You can specify which unit is going to be used for the breakpoint by specifying in the 3rd option a "unit" key.

By default, the unit is "px".

import React from "react";
import { Only, BreakpointsProvider } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
      pxPoint: [263, 863, { unit: "px" }],
      emPoint: [20, 40, { unit: "em" }],
    <Only on="pxPoint">Visible on every device from "263px" to "863px"</Only>
    <Only on="emPoint">Visible on every device from "20em" to "40em"</Only>


You can specify which direction is used for the media queries (height or width).

By default, "width" is the chosen direction.

import React from "react";
import { Only, BreakpointsProvider } from "@blocz/react-responsive";

const App = () => (
      xBreakpoint: [300, 500, { direction: "width" }],
      yBreakpoint: [200, 400, { direction: "height" }],
    <Only on="xBreakpoint">Visible on every device from "300px" to "500px" wide</Only>
    <Only on="yBreakpoint">Visible on every device from "200px" to "400px" tall</Only>

Every CSS units are supported.

The default unit is px.


@blocz/react-responsive includes 2 utility functions toJSON and toCSS so that you can re-use @blocz/react-responsive breakpoints as media queries for css-in-js libraries.


Example with styletron:

import React from "react";
import { toJSON as createToJSON, BreakpointsContext } from "@blocz/react-responsive";
import { styled } from "styletron-react";

const styles = {
  mdDown: {
    color: "red",
    ":hover": { color: "blue" },
  lgUp: {
    color: "green",

const Panel = styled("div", (props) => ({

const App = () => {
  const breakpoints = React.useContext(BreakpointsContext);
  const toJSON = createToJSON(breakpoints);
  // toJSON(styles) returns:
  // {
  //   "@media  (max-width:991px)": {
  //     "color": "red",
  //     ":hover": {
  //       "color": "blue"
  //     }
  //   },
  //   "@media  (min-width:992px)": {
  //     "color": "green"
  //   }
  // }
  return <Panel $toJSON={toJSON}>content</Panel>;


Example with emotion:

import React from "react";
import { toCSS as createToCSS, BreakpointsContext } from "@blocz/react-responsive";
import { css } from "@emotion/css";

const styles = {
  mdDown: {
    color: "red",
    ":hover": { color: "blue" },
  lgUp: {
    color: "green",

const App = () => {
  const breakpoints = React.useContext(BreakpointsContext);
  const toCSS = createToCSS(breakpoints);
  // toCSS(styles) returns:
  // `@media  (max-width:991px) {
  //   color: red;
  //   :hover {
  //     color: blue;
  //   }
  // }
  // @media  (min-width:992px) {
  //   color: green;
  // }`
  return <div className={css(toCSS(styles))}>content</div>;

Comparison to other libraries

Lib Breakpoints Custom breakpoints Media query matchMedia listener' hooks SSR support
@blocz/react-responsive βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
react-responsive ❌ ❌ βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
react-breakpoints βœ… βœ… ❌ ❌ ❌ βœ…
react-responsive-breakpoints βœ… ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌

': matchMedia listener event means that the library is built around matchMedia.addListener(callback) and not window.addEventListener('resize', callback) (which is faster because the callback is only triggered when the media query's state changes and not at every resize).

matchMedia polyfill


If you are on want to use matchMedia on browser that don’t support it, I’d recommend you to use matchmedia-polyfill.


If you want to mock matchMedia on Node to execute tests for instance, you can use mock-match-media.

And if you need an example with Jest, @testing-library/react, React and @blocz/react-responsive, you can take a look at these tests.


For other questions, please take a look at our FAQ document.