flextool icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flextool copied to clipboard

C++ compile-time programming (serialization, reflection, code modification, enum to string, better enum, enum to json, extend or parse language, etc.)



Add custom features to C++ language, like metaclasses, Rust-like traits, reflection and many more

A fully open source, powerful solution for modification and generation of C++ source code. Reduce the amount of boilerplate code in your C++ projects.

Open Source Love First Timers Only Up For Grabs GitHub GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub pull requests GitHub contributors GitHub commit activity the past week, 4 weeks, year GitHub last commit GitHub top language GitHub language count Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. license Total alerts Lines of Code Average time to resolve an issue Percentage of issues still open

Main project page: https://blockspacer.github.io/flex_docs/

Tutorials and examples

Supported platforms

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS.

May work on other platforms with minor modifications.

Before installation: Add conan remotes

To be able to add the list of dependency remotes please type the following command:

cmake -E time conan config install conan/remotes/
# OR:
# cmake -E time conan config install conan/remotes_disabled_ssl/

Before installation

NOTE: cling with LLVM build may take couple of hours.

Command below uses --profile clang12_compiler12_compiler.

Example conan profile ~/.conan/profiles/clang:

# We are building in Ubuntu Linux




Create clang12_compiler profile:

# We are building in Ubuntu Linux






Before creation of conan profile file, see: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/using_packages/using_profiles.html.

We use .cmake script to download and install conan packages.

git clone https://github.com/blockspacer/conan_github_downloader.git ~/conan_github_downloader

cmake \
;--build;missing" \
  -P ~/conan_github_downloader/conan_github_downloader.cmake

# clean build cache
conan remove "*" --build --force

Easy install with common plugins

If you want to install flextool and its plugins in single command, change the options provided to tools/buildConanThirdparty.cmake.

NOTE: tools/buildConanThirdparty.cmake will perform a FULL RE-BUILD; it may take couple of hours.

Command below uses --profile clang12_compiler12_compiler. Before creation of conan profile file, see: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/using_packages/using_profiles.html.

We use buildConanThirdparty.cmake script to download and install conan packages.

NOTE: set -DENABLE_CLING=FALSE if you already installed Cling using tools/buildConanThirdparty.cmake above.

git clone https://github.com/blockspacer/conan_github_downloader.git ~/conan_github_downloader

cmake \
;--build;missing" \
  -P ~/conan_github_downloader/conan_github_downloader.cmake

# clean build cache
conan remove "*" --build --force

Installation (without plugins)

Use command below to re-build flextool (plugins must be installed separately).

Command below uses --profile clang12_compiler12_compiler. Before creation of conan profile file, see: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/using_packages/using_profiles.html

export VERBOSE=1

# NOTE: change `build_type=Debug` to `build_type=Release` in production
# NOTE: use --build=missing if you got error `ERROR: Missing prebuilt package`
cmake -E time \
  conan create . conan/stable \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
      -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
      -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

# clean build cache
conan remove "*" --build --force

NOTE: flextool not compatible with compile_commands.json

Disable generation of compilation database when you use flextool.


If compile_commands.json exists in build folder (or in parent folder), flextool may fail.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

This project is possible because of flexferrum's autoprogrammer.

Articles about flexferrum's autoprogrammer in media:

  • [RUS] (article) metaclasses https://habr.com/ru/article/448466/
  • [RUS] (slides) C++17 metaclasses https://assets.ctfassets.net/oxjq45e8ilak/55bGdX2PnYzmrpM8rwCjcE/791e7eee3236c2023e86e169faca8a0e/Sergei_Sadovnikov_Metaclasses_in_C___dream_Reality.pdf

Dev-only build (local conan flow)

find . -type f -name "*_buildflags.h" -exec rm {} \;
find . -type f -name "*_buildflags.tmp" -exec rm {} \;

(rm -rf local_build || true)


export PKG_NAME=flextool/master@conan/stable

    conan remove --force $PKG_NAME || true)

# NOTE: use --build=missing if you got error `ERROR: Missing prebuilt package`
cmake -E time \
  conan install . \
  --install-folder local_build \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_12:build_type=Release \
  -o openssl:shared=True \
  -e basis:enable_tests=True \
  -o chromium_base:shared=True \
  -e chromium_base:enable_tests=True \
  -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
  -e flexlib:enable_tests=True \
  -o flexlib:shared=False \
  -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
  -o flexlib:enable_cling=True \
  -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
  -o flextool:enable_cling=True

(rm local_build/CMakeCache.txt || true)

cmake -E time \
  conan source . \
  --source-folder . \
  --install-folder local_build

# You can use `cmake --build . -- -j14` on second run.
cmake -E time \
  conan build . \
  --build-folder local_build \
  --source-folder . \
  --install-folder local_build

conan package . \
  --build-folder local_build \
  --package-folder local_build/package_dir \
  --source-folder . \
  --install-folder local_build

cmake -E time \
  conan export-pkg . conan/stable \
  --package-folder local_build/package_dir \
  -s build_type=Debug \
   --force \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_12:build_type=Release \
  -o openssl:shared=True \
  -e basis:enable_tests=True \
  -o chromium_base:shared=True \
  -e chromium_base:enable_tests=True \
  -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
  -e flexlib:enable_tests=True \
  -o flexlib:shared=False \
  -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
  -o flexlib:enable_cling=True \
  -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
  -o flextool:enable_cling=True

cmake -E time \
  conan test test_package \
  flextool/master@conan/stable \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_12:build_type=Release \
  -o openssl:shared=True \
  -e basis:enable_tests=True \
  -o chromium_base:shared=True \
  -e chromium_base:enable_tests=True \
  -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
  -e flexlib:enable_tests=True \
  -o flexlib:shared=False \
  -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
  -o flexlib:enable_cling=True \
  -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
  -o flextool:enable_cling=True

For contibutors: conan editable mode

With the editable packages, you can tell Conan where to find the headers and the artifacts ready for consumption in your local working directory. There is no need to run conan create or conan export-pkg.

For details, see: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/developing_packages/editable_packages.html

Build locally:

export VERBOSE=1

cmake -E time \
  conan install . \
  --install-folder local_build \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
      -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
      -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

cmake -E time \
  conan source . \
  --source-folder local_build \
  --install-folder local_build

conan build . \
  --build-folder local_build \
  --source-folder local_build \
  --install-folder local_build

conan package . \
  --build-folder local_build \
  --package-folder local_build/package_dir \
  --source-folder local_build \
  --install-folder local_build

Set package to editable mode:

conan editable add local_build/package_dir \

Note that conanfile.py is modified to detect local builds via self.in_local_cache.

After change source in folder local_build (run commands in source package folder):

conan build . \
  --build-folder local_build \
  --source-folder local_build \
  --install-folder local_build

conan package . \
  --build-folder local_build \
  --package-folder local_build/package_dir \
  --source-folder local_build \
  --install-folder local_build

Build your test project.

In order to revert the editable mode just remove the link using:

conan editable remove \

For contibutors: conan workspace

Allows to build multiple projects at once; it just creates CMakeLists.txt with add_subdirectory pointing to each package folder.

NOTE: You can open workspace in IDE as usual CMake based project (change build directory to WorkspaceProject path)!

For details, see: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/developing_packages/workspaces.html

For example, we want to build both flextool and flexlib at the same time (flextool requires flexlib).

# change ~ to desired build folder
cd ~

# Replace paths to yours!
# Make sure each project in NOT in editable mode!
cat <<EOF > ~/conanws.yml
        path: /......../flexlib
        path: /......../flextool
layout: layout_flex
workspace_generator: cmake
    - flextool/master@conan/stable

cat <<EOF > ~/layout_flex
# This helps to define the location of CMakeLists.txt within package

# This defines where the conanbuildinfo.cmake will be written to
mkdir build_flex

cd build_flex

cat <<EOF > CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)



list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flextool_SRC}/cmake")


add_dependencies(flextool flexlib)

# must contain `include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanworkspace.cmake)` without slash `\` (slash added for bash cat command)
cat CMakeLists.txt

# combines options from all projects
conan workspace install \
  ../conanws.yml \
  --profile=clang \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
    -o openssl:shared=True \
    -o chromium_base:shared=True \
    -e basis:enable_tests=True \
    -e abseil:enable_llvm_tools=True \
    -o chromium_base:use_alloc_shim=True \
    -o chromium_tcmalloc:use_alloc_shim=True \
    -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
    -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
    -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True \
    -o flexlib:shared=False \
    -o flexlib:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flexlib:enable_tests=True

Build into folder created by conan workspace install:

# NOTE: change `build_type=Debug` to `build_type=Release` in production
export build_type=Debug

# optional
# remove old CMakeCache
(rm CMakeCache.txt || true)

# configure via cmake
cmake -E time cmake . \

# remove generated files
# change paths to yours
# rm ~/flex_typeclass_plugin/build/Debug/*generated*

# build code
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  -- -j8

# run unit tests for flexlib
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flexlib_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flextool
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flextool_run_all_tests

Workspace allows to make quick changes in existing source files.

We use self.in_local_cache to detect conan editable mode:

# Local build
# see https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/developing_packages/editable_packages.html
if not self.in_local_cache:
    self.copy("conanfile.py", dst=".", keep_path=False)

Make sure that all targets have globally unique names.

For example: you can not have a target in each project with the same name like "test". You can solve that issue by adding project-specific prefix to name of each target like "${ROOT_PROJECT_NAME}-test_main_gtest".

Because CMAKE_BINARY_DIR will point to folder created by conan workspace install, make sure that you prefer CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR to CMAKE_BINARY_DIR etc.

For contibutors: conan workspace with plugins

Before installation: plugins require pre-built flextool (in same workspace). You must build workspace without plugins; only then you will be able to re-build it with plugins.

Add plugins to yml file:

        path: /........./chromium_base
        path: /........./basis
        path: /........./flex_support_headers
        path: /........./flexlib
        path: /........./flextool
        path: /........./flex_reflect_plugin
        path: /........./squarets
        path: /........./flex_squarets_plugin
        path: /........./flex_typeclass_plugin
        path: /........./flex_pimpl_plugin
        path: /........./flex_meta_plugin
        path: /........./flex_meta_demo
layout: layout_flex
workspace_generator: cmake
    - flex_reflect_plugin/master@conan/stable
    - squarets/master@conan/stable
    - flex_squarets_plugin/master@conan/stable
    - flex_typeclass_plugin/master@conan/stable
    - flex_pimpl_plugin/master@conan/stable
    - flex_meta_plugin/master@conan/stable
    - flex_meta_demo/master@conan/stable

Use add_dependencies in CMakeLists.txt:

mkdir build_flex

cd build_flex

cat <<EOF > CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)



list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_chromium_base_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_support_headers_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_reflect_plugin_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_squarets_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_squarets_plugin_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_typeclass_plugin_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_meta_plugin_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_meta_demo_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flex_pimpl_plugin_SRC}/cmake")
list(PREPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "\${PACKAGE_flextool_SRC}/cmake")


add_dependencies(basis chromium_base-static)
add_dependencies(flexlib basis)
add_dependencies(flextool flexlib basis flex_support_headers)
add_dependencies(flex_reflect_plugin flextool)
add_dependencies(flex_squarets_plugin squarets)
add_dependencies(flex_squarets_plugin flextool)
add_dependencies(flex_pimpl_plugin flextool)
add_dependencies(flex_pimpl_plugin flex_reflect_plugin)
add_dependencies(flex_pimpl_plugin flex_squarets_plugin)
add_dependencies(flex_typeclass_plugin flextool)
add_dependencies(flex_typeclass_plugin flex_squarets_plugin)
add_dependencies(flex_meta_demo flex_meta_plugin)
add_dependencies(flex_meta_demo flex_typeclass_plugin)
add_dependencies(flex_meta_demo flex_pimpl_plugin)
add_dependencies(flex_meta_demo flex_squarets_plugin)

Add plugins options to conan workspace install:

# combines options from all projects
conan workspace install \
  ../conanws.yml \
  --profile=clang \
  -s build_type=Debug \
    -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
    -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
    -e basis:enable_tests=True \
    -o openssl:shared=True \
    -o chromium_base:shared=True \
    -o chromium_base:use_alloc_shim=True \
    -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
    -o chromium_tcmalloc:use_alloc_shim=True \
    -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
    -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True \
    -o flexlib:shared=False \
    -o flexlib:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flexlib:enable_tests=True \
    -o flex_reflect_plugin:shared=True \
    -o flex_reflect_plugin:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flex_reflect_plugin:enable_tests=True \
    -o squarets:shared=False \
    -o squarets:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e squarets:enable_tests=True \
    -o flex_squarets_plugin:shared=False \
    -o flex_squarets_plugin:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flex_squarets_plugin:enable_tests=True \
    -o flex_meta_plugin:shared=False \
    -o flex_meta_plugin:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flex_meta_plugin:enable_tests=True \
    -o flex_typeclass_plugin:shared=False \
    -o flex_typeclass_plugin:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flex_typeclass_plugin:enable_tests=True \
    -o flex_pimpl_plugin:shared=False \
    -o flex_pimpl_plugin:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flex_pimpl_plugin:enable_tests=True \
    -o flex_meta_demo:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
    -e flex_meta_demo:enable_tests=True

Build and test workspace:

# NOTE: change `build_type=Debug` to `build_type=Release` in production
export build_type=Debug

# optional
# remove old CMakeCache
(rm CMakeCache.txt || true)

# configure via cmake
cmake -E time cmake . \

# remove generated files
# change paths to yours
# rm ~/flex_typeclass_plugin/build/Debug/*generated*

# build code
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  -- -j8

# run unit tests for flexlib
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flexlib_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flextool
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flextool_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flex_reflect_plugin
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flex_reflect_plugin_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for squarets
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target squarets_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flex_squarets_plugin
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flex_squarets_plugin_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flex_squarets_plugin
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flex_meta_plugin_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flex_squarets_plugin
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flex_typeclass_plugin_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flex_squarets_plugin
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flex_pimpl_plugin_run_all_tests

# run unit tests for flex_squarets_plugin
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --config ${build_type} \
  --target flex_meta_demo_run_all_tests

For contibutors: cppcheck

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True.

Install cppcheck via conan:

cd /tmp

git clone -b testing/1.90 https://github.com/bincrafters/conan-cppcheck_installer.git

cd conan-cppcheck_installer

export VERBOSE=1

# NOTE: change `build_type=Debug` to `build_type=Release` in production
# NOTE: use --build=missing if you got error `ERROR: Missing prebuilt package`
cmake -E time \
  conan create . conan/stable \
  -s build_type=Release

# clean build cache
conan remove "*" --build --force

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_CPPCHECK=ON):

# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
# NOTE: -DCLEAN_OLD="OFF" to keep generated html report
cmake -DCPPCHECK="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="OFF" -P tools/run_tool.cmake
# `index.html` must exist
# find $PWD -name index.html

Open 'index.html' to see the results.

For contibutors: vue ui

Desktop application that provides a single context to manage and run multiple scripts.

Simplifies setup of local dev environment; this avoids opening a lot of shell terminals.

You can add custom commands in package.json or plugin/vue-cli-plugin/ui.js:

# Before: Install Latest Node.js and NPM
# see https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-npm-on-ubuntu/
node --version
npm --version

Build your project via npm:

npm install
sudo npm install -g @vue/cli
sudo vue ui --dev --port 8061

Open http://localhost:8061/.

Import project directory.

Select Tasks, like build/test...

Tasks may be changed in package.json.

NOTE: We use package.json only for tasks. Conan is controlled by a file called conanfile.txt.

Useful links:

  • https://cli.vuejs.org/dev-guide/ui-api.html#ui-files
  • https://github.com/Dewep/GCE
  • https://github.com/supnate/command-pad

For contibutors: gdbinit

We use .gdbinit add 'add-auto-load-safe-path .'

For more details about .gdbinit, read: https://metricpanda.com/tips-for-productive-debugging-with-gdb

For more details about gdb, read: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/GDB-Commands.html

GDB debugging session can be automated like so:

# see https://gist.github.com/williballenthin/8bd6e29ad8504b9cb308039f675ee889
gdb \
  -ex "run" \
  -ex "set pagination off" \
  -ex "bt" \
  -ex "set confirm off" \
  -ex "quit" \
  --args \
  ${APP_EXE} \

For contibutors: valgrind

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True.

For details, see:

Install valgrind:

sudo apt install valgrind  # Ubuntu, Debian, etc.
# OR
sudo yum install valgrind  # RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, etc.

NOTE: make sure you set use_alloc_shim=False and enable_valgrind=True (see below).

Run valgrind via cmake:

export VERBOSE=1

# NOTE: set `use_alloc_shim=False` and `enable_valgrind=True` for valgrind support
cmake -E time \
  conan install . \
  --install-folder local_build_valgrind \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
      -o flextool:enable_valgrind=True \
      -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
      -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -e abseil:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -o chromium_base:enable_valgrind=True \
      -e chromium_base:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -o chromium_base:use_alloc_shim=False \
      -o perfetto:is_hermetic_clang=False \
      -o basis:enable_valgrind=True \
      -e basis:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -o flexlib:enable_valgrind=True \
      -e flexlib:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -o flexlib:enable_clang_from_conan=False \
      -o chromium_tcmalloc:use_alloc_shim=False \
      --build chromium_base \
      --build chromium_tcmalloc \
      --build basis \
      --build flexlib

cd ~/flextool

# see section about `conan editable mode`
cd local_build_valgrind

# optional
# remove old CMakeCache
(rm CMakeCache.txt || true)

# remove old build artifacts
rm -rf flextool
rm -rf bin
find . -iname '*.o' -exec rm {} \;
find . -iname '*.a' -exec rm {} \;
find . -iname '*.dll' -exec rm {} \;
find . -iname '*.lib' -exec rm {} \;

cmake .. \

# NOTE: to run some tests under valgrind
cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --target flextool-gmock_run_valgrind

# Cmake will print valgrind command that was executed.
# You can copy executed command and add custom command-line arguments:
#   --gtest_filter=ToolsSanityTest.DISABLED_ValgrindTest \
#   --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests

# search for valgrind log file
find $PWD -name *valgrind*.log

To find leaks, you can seach for definitely lost in log file.

NOTE: you can add valgrind suppressions in cmake/valgrind.cfg.

NOTE: compile program with a debug flag to run under valgrind.

NOTE: use valgrind --tool=helgrind to detect potential deadlocks and data races.

NOTE: use valgrind --tool=massif --massif-out-file=massif_file --stacks=true to measure size of heap. See also: https://kde.org/applications/development/org.kde.massif-visualizer

For details, see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44989219

TODO: try to build with valgrind and clang 10 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40509986/valgrind-reporting-mismatched-free-delete-delete

TODO: valgrind may not support chromium base, FIXME. And remove GTEST_NO_SUITE

For contibutors: clang-tidy

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

Install clang-tidy:

sudo apt-get install clang-tidy  # Ubuntu, Debian, etc.
# OR
sudo yum install clang-tidy  # RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, etc.

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_CLANG_TIDY=ON):

# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
cmake -DCLANG_TIDY="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="ON" -P tools/run_tool.cmake

For contibutors: scan-build

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

For details, see: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/master/docs/clang_static_analyzer.md and https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/scan-build.html

The program ccc-analyzer acts like a fake compiler, forwarding its command line arguments over to the compiler to perform regular compilation and clang to perform static analysis.

Running configure typically generates makefiles that have hardwired paths to the compiler, and by running configure through scan-build that path is set to ccc-analyzer.

# must exist
ccc-analyzer -v

# must exist
c++-analyzer -v

# must exist
scan-build -v

export VERBOSE=1

cmake -E time \
  conan install . \
  --install-folder local_build_scan_build \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
  --profile clang12_compiler \
      -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
      -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

cmake -E time \
  conan source . \
  --source-folder local_build_scan_build \
  --install-folder local_build_scan_build

# see section about `conan editable mode`
cd local_build_scan_build

# NOTE: change `build_type=Debug` to `build_type=Release` in production
export build_type=Debug

# optional
# remove old CMakeCache
(rm CMakeCache.txt || true)

# NOTE: changed CMAKE_C_COMPILER to ccc-analyzer (!!!)
# configure via cmake
scan-build \
  --use-cc=clang-10 \
  --use-c++=clang++-10 \
  -o ./scanbuildout/ \
  cmake .. \
  -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=ccc-analyzer \
  -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=c++-analyzer \

# remove old build artifacts
(make clean || true)
rm -rf bin

# NOTE: requires project configured in debug build
# disable other static analyzers
# run from build directory
scan-build \
  -maxloop 8 \
  -enable-checker alpha.security.taint.TaintPropagation \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.BoolAssignment \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.CastSize \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.DynamicTypeChecker \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.FixedAddr \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.IdenticalExpr \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.PointerArithm \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.PointerSub \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.SizeofPtr \
  -enable-checker alpha.core.TestAfterDivZero \
  -enable-checker alpha.deadcode.UnreachableCode \
  -enable-checker alpha.security.ArrayBoundV2 \
  -enable-checker alpha.security.MallocOverflow \
  -enable-checker alpha.security.ReturnPtrRange \
  -enable-checker alpha.unix.PthreadLock \
  -enable-checker alpha.unix.Stream \
  -enable-checker alpha.unix.cstring.BufferOverlap \
  -enable-checker alpha.unix.cstring.NotNullTerminated \
  -enable-checker alpha.unix.cstring.OutOfBounds \
  -enable-checker nullability.NullableDereferenced \
  -enable-checker optin.performance.Padding \
  -enable-checker security.insecureAPI.rand \
  -enable-checker security.insecureAPI.strcpy \
  --use-cc=clang-10 \
  --use-c++=clang++-10 \
  -o ./scanbuildout/ \
  make \

Open resulting scanbuildout/...../index.html file

For contibutors: cppclean

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

For details, see: https://github.com/myint/cppclean


pip install --index-url=https://pypi.python.org/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host pypi.python.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org --upgrade cppclean

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_CPPCLEAN=ON):

# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
cmake -DCPPCLEAN="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="ON" -P tools/run_tool.cmake

NOTE: cppclean requires file encoding to be: UTF-8 without BOM (ascii)

For contibutors: IWYU

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

include-what-you-use (IWYU) is a project intended to optimise includes.

It will calculate the required headers and add / remove includes as appropriate.

For details, see: https://include-what-you-use.org/

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_IWYU=ON):

# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
cmake -DIWYU="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="ON" -P tools/run_tool.cmake

CODESTYLE: use // IWYU pragma: associated in C++ source files.

NOTE: Read about IWYU Pragmas: https://github.com/include-what-you-use/include-what-you-use/blob/master/docs/IWYUPragmas.md

NOTE: don't use "bits/" or "/details/*" includes, add them to mappings file (.imp)

For details, see:

  • https://llvm.org/devmtg/2010-11/Silverstein-IncludeWhatYouUse.pdf
  • https://github.com/include-what-you-use/include-what-you-use/tree/master/docs
  • https://github.com/hdclark/Ygor/blob/master/artifacts/20180225_include-what-you-use/iwyu_how-to.txt

For contibutors: ccache


gcc -v
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
cmake .. \

For details, see: https://www.virag.si/2015/07/use-ccache-with-cmake-for-faster-compilation/

To get the most out of ccache, put something like this in: ~/.ccache/ccache.conf:

max_size = 50.0G  # or whatever cache size you prefer; default is 5G; 0 means unlimited
base_dir = /home/yourname  # or wherever you keep your source files

Note: base_dir is required for ccache to share cached compiles of the same file across different repositories / paths; it will only do this for paths under base_dir. So this option is required for effective use of ccache with git worktrees (described below).

You must not set base_dir to "/", or anywhere that contains system headers (according to the ccache docs).

For contibutors: GOLD linker


sudo apt-get install ccache

# On OS X use homebrew:
# brew install ccache

ccache --version


gcc -v
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
cmake .. \

For details, see: https://cristianadam.eu/20170709/speeding-up-cmake/

NOTE: gold not threaded by default, configure with "--enable-threads"

NOTE: lld threaded by default, may be faster than gold

For contibutors: oclint

Make sure you use Debug build with -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True

For details, see: https://oclint-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/devel/codingstandards.html


cd ~
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/oclint/oclint/releases/download/v0.13.1/oclint-0.13.1-x86_64-linux-4.4.0-112-generic.tar.gz
# mirror 1: http://github.strcpy.cn/oclint/oclint/releases/download/v0.13.1/oclint-0.13.1-x86_64-linux-4.4.0-112-generic.tar.gz
# mirror 2: http://archives.oclint.org/releases/0.8/oclint-0.8.1-x86_64-linux-3.13.0-35-generic.tar.gz
tar -xzvf oclint-0.13.1-x86_64-linux-4.4.0-112-generic.tar.gz
rm -rf oclint-0.13.1-x86_64-linux-4.4.0-112-generic.tar.gz
export OCLINT_HOME=~/oclint-0.13.1
oclint -version

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_OCLINT=ON):

# NOTE: -DCLEAN_OLD="OFF" to keep generated html report
# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
cmake -DOCLINT="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="OFF" -P tools/run_tool.cmake
# `report.html` must exist
# find $PWD -name report.html

Open report.html

See oclint tutorial: http://docs.oclint.org/en/stable/intro/tutorial.html

See list of oclint rules at: https://oclint-docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/rules/

NOTE: you can suppress oclint warnings http://docs.oclint.org/en/stable/howto/suppress.html#oclint-comment

For contibutors: clang-format

For details, see: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_CLANG_FORMAT=ON):

# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
cmake -DCLANG_FORMAT="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="ON" -P tools/run_tool.cmake

We use .clang-format file. For details, see: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html

NOTE: we use DisableFormat, so clang-format will change only include order based on SortIncludes.

Unfortunately, clang-format is not configurable enough, so it can be used only to sort includes. See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32191189

For contibutors: uncrustify

We use uncrustify bacause clang-format and astyle do not support a lot of options.

For details, see: https://patrickhenson.com/2018/06/07/uncrustify-configuration.html


cd ~
git clone https://github.com/uncrustify/uncrustify.git
cd uncrustify
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
export UNCRUSTIFY_HOME=~/uncrustify/build
# OR sudo make install

uncrustify --version

Usage (runs cmake with -DENABLE_UNCRUSTIFY=ON):

# creates local build in separate folder and runs cmake targets
cmake -DUNCRUSTIFY="ON" -DCLEAN_OLD="ON" -P tools/run_tool.cmake

We use uncrustify.cfg file. For details, see: https://patrickhenson.com/2018/06/07/uncrustify-configuration.html

To get a list of all available options use:

uncrustify --show-config

Uncrustify has a lot of configurable options. You'll probably need Universal Indent GUI (in Konstantin's reply) as well to configure it: http://universalindent.sourceforge.net/

Use comments containing /* *INDENT-OFF* */ and /* *INDENT-ON* */ to disable processing of parts of the source file.

See disable_processing_cmt from uncrustify.cfg:

# Specify the marker used in comments to disable processing of part of the
# file.
# The comment should be used alone in one line.
# Default:  *INDENT-OFF*
disable_processing_cmt          = " *INDENT-OFF*"      # string

# Specify the marker used in comments to (re)enable processing in a file.
# The comment should be used alone in one line.
# Default:  *INDENT-ON*
enable_processing_cmt           = " *INDENT-ON*"     # string

You can integrate uncrustify with IDE:


See https://github.com/blockspacer/llvm_9_installer#how-to-use-with-sanitizers

For contibutors: build using clang 10 from conan

Requires enable_llvm_tools=True, compile_with_llvm_tools=True, and llvm_tools:build_type=Release:

-s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
  -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True \
  -e flextool:compile_with_llvm_tools=True \
  -o llvm_tools:include_what_you_use=True \
  • enable_llvm_tools installs clang 10 from conan
  • compile_with_llvm_tools sets cmake variables required to use clang 10 from conan

Run conan install or conan create with:

# OR create conan profile https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/reference/profiles.html
-s compiler=clang \
  -s compiler.version=10 \
  -s compiler.libcxx=libc++

NOTE: Change of compiler may require rebuild of all deps (--build=missing).

Example in case of local build:

export CC=$(find ~/.conan/data/llvm_tools/master/conan/stable/package/ -path "*bin/clang" | head -n 1)

export CXX=$(find ~/.conan/data/llvm_tools/master/conan/stable/package/ -path "*bin/clang++" | head -n 1)

export VERBOSE=1

# NOTE: NO `--profile` argument cause we use `CXX` env. var
# NOTE: you may want to re-build `cling_conan` with clang 10
cmake -E time \
  conan install . \
  --install-folder local_build_clang_10 \
  -s build_type=Debug \
  -s cling_conan:build_type=Release \
  -s llvm_tools:build_type=Release \
      --build missing \
      --build cascade \
      -s cling_conan:compiler=clang \
      -s cling_conan:compiler.version=10 \
      -s cling_conan:compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 \
      -o llvm_tools:include_what_you_use=True \
      -s llvm_tools:compiler=clang \
      -s llvm_tools:compiler.version=10 \
      -s llvm_tools:compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 \
      -e flextool:enable_tests=True \
      -e flextool:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -e flextool:compile_with_llvm_tools=True \
      -e boost:enable_llvm_tools=True \
      -e boost:compile_with_llvm_tools=True \
      -s compiler=clang \
      -s compiler.version=10 \
      -s compiler.libcxx=libc++

cmake -E time \
  conan source . \
  --source-folder local_build_clang_10 \
  --install-folder local_build_clang_10

# remove old CMakeCache
(rm local_build_clang_10/CMakeCache.txt || true)

# see section about `conan editable mode`
conan build . \
  --build-folder local_build_clang_10 \
  --source-folder local_build_clang_10 \
  --install-folder local_build_clang_10

Perform checks:

# check that `libcpp` symbol exists
nm -an EXECUTABLE_PATH | grep libcpp

# list linked dynamic libs

For contibutors: doxygen

MCSS_ROOT_DIR_FOR_DOCS must point to m.css sources like below:

cd ~

git clone https://github.com/mosra/m.css.git

pip3 install jinja2 Pygments

sudo apt install \
    texlive-base \
    texlive-latex-extra \
    texlive-fonts-extra \

sudo apt-get install doxygen

sudo apt install python3-pip

# /usr/bin/python must point to python3
/usr/bin/python --version

# NOTE: switch to python3 for doxygen or use -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
alias python='/usr/bin/python3'

# You may need sudo here
pip3 install jinja2 Pygments

sudo apt install \
    texlive-base \
    texlive-latex-extra \
    texlive-fonts-extra \

Use cmake build with '--target doxyDoc' and -DBUILD_DOXY_DOC=ON

cd ~/flextool

# see section about `conan editable mode`
cd local_build_clang_10

# optional
# remove old CMakeCache
(rm CMakeCache.txt || true)

# remove old build artifacts
rm -rf flextool
rm -rf bin
find . -iname '*.o' -exec rm {} \;
find . -iname '*.a' -exec rm {} \;
find . -iname '*.dll' -exec rm {} \;
find . -iname '*.lib' -exec rm {} \;

# remove old build docs
rm -rf doc-mcss
rm -rf docs

cmake -E make_directory "doc-mcss"

# NOTE: you can change python version like so: -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3
cmake .. \
  -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 \
  -DDOXY_ROOT_DIR=$PWD/doc-mcss \

cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --target doxyDoc_notheme

cmake -E time cmake --build . \
  --target doxyDoc

# Use to find index.html
find $PWD -name *.html

Open doxyDoc/html/index.html

NOTE: Document namespaces in docs/namespaces.dox

NOTE: Files, directories and symbols with no documentation are not present in the output at all

Used comments style:

 * @brief Path utils
 * Example usage:
 * @code{.cpp}
 * const ::fs::path workdir = storage::getThisBinaryDirectoryPath();
 * @endcode


For contibutors: Fuzzing with AFL

For details, see: https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

NOTE: prefer github.com/google/AFL or aflplus.plus to not updated AFL from lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl

Fuzzing is a Black Box software testing technique.

Fuzzing consists in finding implementation bugs using malformed/semi-malformed data injection in an automated fashion.

Fuzzer tries to modify the input so that it can reach as much lines of the program code as possible.

Therefore, fuzzing allows the discovery of vulnerabilities lying in code paths that are hard to reach by normal usage.

Install + compile the source code using following commands:

# optional
# sudo apt-get update

# optional
# sudo apt-get -y install autoconf automake bison build-essential \
ca-certificates llvm-dev libtool libtool-bin \
libglib2.0-dev make nasm wget

# Tested with clang 10 and gcc 7
sudo apt-get -y install clang-10 g++-7 gcc-7

export CXX=g++-7
export CC=gcc-7
export PATH=/usr/bin/:$PATH
$CC -v

# llvm-config binary that coresponds to the same clang you are using to compile
export LLVM_CONFIG=/usr/bin/llvm-config-10
$LLVM_CONFIG --cxxflags

cd ~
git clone -b v2.56b https://github.com/google/AFL.git --recursive

# NOTE: original AFL not updated since November 2017,
# so prefer `google/AFL.git` to `lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl`
# wget http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/releases/afl-latest.tgz
# tar -xf afl-latest.tgz
# rm afl-latest.tgz
# cd afl*

cd AFL
# build llvm using the sample compiler as afl code uses
# see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/afl-users/1WqZpGXvYY0
make \
  -C llvm_mode \
  CC=clang-10 \
# optional
# cd qemu_mode
# ./build_qemu_support.sh
# cd ..
make \
  -C libdislocator
make \
  -C libtokencap
sudo make install

# OR add to PATH via export PATH=$PATH:...

# do not forget to reset CC and LLVM_CONFIG
unset CXX
unset CC

We compile code using the AFL compiler: -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=afl-clang-fast, -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=afl-clang-fast++, and -DCMAKE_LINKER=afl-clang-fast.

To verify if binary uses the AFL compiler: nm BINARY_PATH | grep afl

To build application with some sanitizers and debug information enabled: (-DENABLE_ASAN=ON etc.):

NOTE: There are some things to consider when using Address Sanitizer. Even if ASan finds a memory access violation, it doesn't automatically crash the application. This is a problem when using automated fuzzing tools because they usually try to detect segfaults by checking the return code. We can, however, force ASan to crash software when an error happens with the environment variable ASAN_OPTIONS before fuzzing: export ASAN_OPTIONS='abort_on_error=1'

NOTE: Disable custom memory allocation functions. This can hide memory access bugs and prevent the detection of memory access errors.

# see https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/instrumenting.html

# Setting AFL_HARDEN automatically adds code hardening options
# when invoking the downstream compiler.
# This includes -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 and -fstack-protector-all.
# NOTE: _FORTIFY_SOURCE not compatible with ASAN
# export AFL_HARDEN=1

# see https://aflplus.plus/docs/env_variables/

# By default, the wrapper appends -O3 to optimize builds.

# or AFL_USE_MSAN, etc.
# READ https://aflplus.plus/docs/notes_for_asan/
NOTE: if you run several slaves only one should run the
# target compiled with ASAN (and UBSAN, CFISAN),
# the others should run the target with no sanitizers compiled in.
export AFL_USE_UBSAN=1
export AFL_USE_ASAN=1

# AFL_PRELOAD causes AFL to set LD_PRELOAD for the target binary
# without disrupting the afl-fuzz process itself.
# This is useful, among other things, for bootstrapping libdislocator.so.

# see __AFL_LOOP

# make sure you compile app with `-fsanitize=address` or `-fsanitize=memory` etc.

NOTE: Use AFL_DONT_OPTIMIZE=1; read: http://moyix.blogspot.com/2016/07/fuzzing-with-afl-is-an-art.html

For details, see: Using ASAN with AFL

Before fuzzing the program, we may require switching to root user to arrange the core_pattern. Login as root and type the following command:

# see https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tips.html#check-os-configuration
sudo su
# disable core dumps and CPU frequency scaling on your system (AFL will warn you if you should do this)
echo core >/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
# afl-fuzz will usually complain that you should change your `CPUFREQ` settings to performance because the automatic frequency scaling by the Linux kernel doesn't work well with afl.
echo performance | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

NOTE: Do not run the fuzzer with root access

NOTE: Get a solid environment for the fuzzer; never run the fuzzer on low configured hypervisors.

afl-fuzz is used to run AFL. The actual syntax is as follows:

# see https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fuzzing.html#fuzzing-binaries
# -i is a directory of files to use as fuzz input "seeds"
# -o is a directory to write the results (including inputs that provoke crashes or hangs)
# -m is the memory allowed to use. Example: -m500
# You can use -m none to disable memory limit
# -t is the maximum time that a run is allowed to take before being declared a "hang"
# Timeout of 10 seconds:  -t 10000
# @@ is fuzzer input file name
# if you skip @@ it will pass the fuzzed file on the standard input

# Example 1: runs `tar` with arguments `xfJ @@ -C fuzz-garbage/ --force-local`
# where @@ is fuzzer input file name
 ./afl-1.56b/afl-fuzz -i fuzz-input/ -o fuzz-state/ -t 10000 ~/tar-1.28/src/tar xfJ @@ -C fuzz-garbage/ --force-local

# Example 2: server is dual core, so we can run one AFL instance per core
AFL_PERSISTENT=1 afl-fuzz -i inputs -o multi_sync -M master ./fuzz_capstone
# In another terminal
AFL_PERSISTENT=1 afl-fuzz -i inputs -o multi_sync -S slave1 ./fuzz_capstone

To understand AFL status screen, read: https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html#status-screen

NOTE: If total paths stays at 1 you probably have set up something wrong.

NOTE: Prefer -m none. We use AddressSanitizer; this maps a lot of pages for the shadow memory, so we have to remove the memory limit to have it up and running.

NOTE: With -m none, your fuzzed software may actually try to really allocate and use a lot of memory due to your fuzzed samples. This may lead to random crashes in your system. You shouldn't do any important work while doing so.

NOTE: you can try ASAN_OPTIONS=hard_rss_limit_mb=2000 to avoid -m none. See: https://countuponsecurity.com/category/fuzzing/

You can write custom binary that will run using afl-fuzz. It may wrap function that you want to test like so:

// harness is simply a C program that makes use of certain methods from
// a library, allowing you to indirectly fuzz it

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <ifstream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // init resources here
  if (argc > 1) {
    std::ifstream fin;
    parse(fin); // custom logic
  } else {
    /// \note requires AFL_PERSISTENT=1
    // __AFL_LOOP is the way that we have to tell AFL
    // that we want persistent mode.
    // Each fuzzing iteration,
    // instead of to fork and re-execute the target with a different input,
    // is just an execution of this loop.
    // Force AFL to run 1000 times,
    // with 1000 different inputs fed to the library.
    // After that, the process is restarted by AFL.
    // This ensures we regularly replace the process to avoid memory leaks.
    // see https://toastedcornflakes.github.io/articles/fuzzing_capstone_with_afl.html
    while (__AFL_LOOP(1000)) {
      parse(std::cin); // custom logic
  // free resources here
  return 0;

NOTE: __AFL_LOOP() allows AFL to perform the fuzzing of the binary in process through some memory wizardry, as opposed to starting up a new process for every new testcase we want to test. Requires AFL_PERSISTENT=1.

By default, AFL forks a process every time it tests a different input. We can control AFL to run multiple fuzz cases in a single instance of the program, rather than reverting the program state back for every test sample. This will reduce the time spent in the kernel space and improve the fuzzing speed. This is called AFL_PERSISTENT mode. We can do that by including the __AFL_LOOP(1000) macro within our test harness.

NOTE: you may be interested in __AFL_INIT; see for details: https://robertheaton.com/2019/07/08/how-to-write-an-afl-wrapper-for-any-language/

Let the fuzzer run for few hours or days as it generates maximum code execution paths based on the test cases provided.

Stop fuzzing issuing ctrl+c’ observing total pathsanduniq crashesin the sectionoverall results` of AFL statistics screen.

Create dictionary that takes all of the constants and strings found in the program binary and adds them to the dictionary. See for script code:http://moyix.blogspot.com/2016/07/fuzzing-with-afl-is-an-art.html


# see http://moyix.blogspot.com/2016/07/fuzzing-with-afl-is-an-art.html

objdump -d "${1}" | grep -Eo '\$0x[0-9a-f]+' | cut -c 2- | sort -u | while read const; do echo $const | python -c 'import sys, struct; sys.stdout.write("".join(struct.pack("<I" if len(l) <= 11 else "<Q", int(l,0)) for l in sys.stdin.readlines()))' > testcases/$const; done
i=0; strings "${1}"| while read line; do echo -n "$line" > testcases/string_${i} ; i=$[ $i + 1 ] ; done

You need to create a dictionary in one of the two formats discussed in dictionaries/README.dictionaries and then point the fuzzer to it via the -x option in the command line. Read: https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fuzzing.html#fuzzing-binaries and https://github.com/mirrorer/afl/blob/master/dictionaries/README.dictionaries

You can also use libtokencap to create a dictionary; see: https://github.com/mirrorer/afl/blob/master/libtokencap/README.tokencap

We can find the test cases which cause the crash in the results folder which we have created. On navigating to the folder results, we observe few folders get generated.

NOTE: Keep the input data files small; under 1 kB is ideal.

Use afl-cmin to minimize number of input data files.

Use afl-tmin to minimize each input data file (removes any bytes that do not affect the code paths taken).

Use afl-ptmin to run afl-tmin in parallel. For details, see: https://foxglovesecurity.com/2016/03/15/fuzzing-workflows-a-fuzz-job-from-start-to-finish/

To reproduce found crash you can use crashwalk (it is gdb plugin), see: https://ritcsec.wordpress.com/2018/05/10/vulnerability-discovery-by-fuzzing/

apt-get install gdb golang
mkdir src
cd src
git clone https://github.com/jfoote/exploitable.git
cd && mkdir go
export GOPATH=~/go
# crashwalk installed in $GOPATH/bin/
go get -u github.com/bnagy/crashwalk/cmd/...

~/go/bin/cwtriage -root syncdir/fuzzer1/crashes/ -match id -- ~/parse @@

When you can not reproduce a crash found by afl-fuzz, the most likely cause is that you are not setting the same memory limit as used by the tool. Read: https://afl-1.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fuzzing.html#fuzzing-binaries

NOTE: You can use afl-cov to quantify how well you are exercising the available code paths in the binary. For details, see: https://foxglovesecurity.com/2016/03/15/fuzzing-workflows-a-fuzz-job-from-start-to-finish/

NOTE: putting the AFL working directory on a RAM disk, you can potentially gain some additional speed and avoid wearing out the disks at the same time. For details, see: https://bananamafia.dev/post/gb-fuzz/

# Fuzzing involves billions of reads and writes to the filesystem (!!!)
# Use RAMdisks for input since, we don't want to destroy harddrives
# Make a 1GB ramdisk file from which AFL can read input
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/inputfiles
sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /mnt/inputfiles
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1024M tmpfs /mnt/inputfiles/

NOTE: -fvisibility-inlines-hidden flag MAY BREAK AFL INSTRUMENTATION

AFL provides a crash exploration script in experimental/crash_triage/triage_crashes.sh

When run, the triage script will cycle through each crash file in the /out/crashes directory and print the resulting crash data to the screen.

triage_crashes usage: ./triage_crashes.sh ~/targets/out/ ~/targets/target-app/target-app_binary For details, see: https://research.aurainfosec.io/hunting-for-bugs-101/

NOTE: Instrument with AFL just the libraries you actually want to stress-test right now, one at a time. Let the program use system-wide, non-instrumented libraries for any functionality you don’t actually want to fuzz.

NOTE: you can enable crash exploration mode via -C; see: https://lcamtuf.blogspot.com/2014/11/afl-fuzz-crash-exploration-mode.html

NOTE: AFL detects faults by checking for the first spawned process dying due to a signal (SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, etc). Programs that install custom handlers for these signals may need to have the relevant code commented out.

For details, see:

  • https://github.com/mykter/afl-training
  • https://www.loginsoft.com/blog/2018/02/02/discovering-vulnerabilities-with-afl-fuzzer/
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzfhHjnycnE
  • https://gamozolabs.github.io/fuzzing/2018/09/16/scaling_afl.html
  • https://ritcsec.wordpress.com/2018/05/10/vulnerability-discovery-by-fuzzing/
  • https://github.com/Dor1s/libfuzzer-workshop/blob/master/lessons/01/Modern_Fuzzing_of_C_C%2B%2B_projects_slides_1-23.pdf
  • https://github.com/hbowden/nextgen/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L92
  • https://foxglovesecurity.com/2016/03/15/fuzzing-workflows-a-fuzz-job-from-start-to-finish/
  • https://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/csprojects/19S1/reports/u6759601_report.pdf
  • https://www.fastly.com/blog/how-fuzz-server-american-fuzzy-lop

For contibutors: Fuzzing with libFuzzer

libFuzzer is part of the LLVM compiler infrastructure project and comes built-in with the clang compiler.

Then libFuzzer can be linked to the desired driver by passing in -fsanitize=fuzzer during the linking stage.

NOTE: -fsanitize=fuzzer links in the libFuzzer’s main() symbol.

NOTE: In most cases you may want to combine libFuzzer with AddressSanitizer (ASAN), UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSAN), or both. You can also build with MemorySanitizer (MSAN), but support is experimental: -fsanitize=undefined,address,fuzzer.

Executable repeatedly calls the following function:

extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) {
  // DoStuffWithYourAPI(Data, Size);
  return 0;

Use -fsanitize=address,fuzzer. Note that you can change sanitizer (address, memory, thread, etc.).

NOTE: if you suspect memory leaks in your target you should run libFuzzer with -runs=N or -max_total_time=N. If your target has massive leaks you will eventually run out of RAM. To protect your machine from OOM death you may use: ASAN_OPTIONS=hard_rss_limit_mb=2000 (with AddressSanitizer).

libFuzzer requires seed corpus. For details, see: https://github.com/google/fuzzing/blob/master/tutorial/libFuzzerTutorial.md

For details, see:

For contibutors: Prefer Clang To GCC

  • Clang supports thread safety annotations (GUARDED_BY)

    1. Enable -Wthread-safety-analysis
    2. Use base/thread_annotations.h https://github.com/chromium/chromium/blob/master/base/thread_annotations.h For details, see:
    • http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSafetyAnalysis.html
    • see https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/blob/master/docs/Lifetime.pdf
    • https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/sei_blog/2014/10/thread-safety-analysis-in-c-and-c.html
  • Clang fas first-class support for sanitizers. See details about MSAN, ASAN, TSAN, etc. in docs.

  • Clang can be build with lifetime profile:

    1. Build special branch of Clang https://github.com/mgehre/llvm-project
    2. Enable -Wlifetime For details, see:
    • https://pspdfkit.com/blog/2020/the-cpp-lifetime-profile/
    • https://herbsutter.com/2018/09/20/lifetime-profile-v1-0-posted/

LICENSE for open source components

All the open source components are used under their associated open source licences.

Used open source components:

  • icu
  • ced
  • boost
  • harfbuzz
  • boost.outcome
  • chromium (base)
  • libevent
  • modp_b64
  • tcmalloc
  • xdg_mime
  • xdg_user_dirs
  • dynamic_annotations
  • (Facebook) Folly
  • (Microsoft) GSL

See LICENSE files


the MIT license

See LICENSE for the full content of the licenses.


That open source project based on the Google Chromium project.

This is not official Google product.

Portions Copyright (c) Google Inc.

See LICENSE files.

Contributors List: Example Profile

  • I'm an example that you can copy, if you want :)
  • I work on many things like...
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Contributors List


Anindita Basu
Anna Hayhurst


Cassio Espindola


Denis Trofimov


Mohib Qureshi
  • Software Development Enthusiast
  • github


Yousif Alebyary
  • Web/Mobile Developer.
  • github
Yves Mancera