activeadmin_trumbowyg icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
activeadmin_trumbowyg copied to clipboard

Trumbowyg Editor for ActiveAdmin

Active Admin Trumbowyg

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An Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg as WYSIWYG editor in form inputs.


  • automatically includes a fast & lightweight rich editor in Active Admin;
  • customizable options via data attributes in the form input;
  • plugins included, like images upload.


Please :star: if you like it.


  • Add a SASS/SCSS gem to your Gemfile (ex. gem 'sassc')
  • After installing Active Admin, add to your Gemfile: gem 'activeadmin_trumbowyg' (and execute bundle)
  • Add at the end of your Active Admin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss):
@import 'activeadmin/trumbowyg/trumbowyg';
@import 'activeadmin/trumbowyg_input';
  • Add at the end of your Active Admin javascripts (app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js):
//= require activeadmin/trumbowyg/trumbowyg
//= require activeadmin/trumbowyg_input
  • Use the input with as: :trumbowyg in Active Admin model conf
  • To fix icons in production environment execute the task: rails trumbowyg:nondigest

UPDATE FROM VERSION < 2.0: please change the Trumbowyg line in your app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss to: @import 'activeadmin/trumbowyg/trumbowyg';


Form config (example model Article):

form do |f|
  f.inputs 'Article' do
    f.input :title
    f.input :description, as: :trumbowyg
    f.input :published


  • data-options permits to set Trumbowyg editor options directly; some examples below. For reference see options list.
  • Why 2 separated scripts/style files? To allow to include different versions of Trumbowyg editor if needed.
  • To use this plugins with Active Admin 1.x please use the version 0.1.8


Toolbar buttons configuration

f.input :description, as: :trumbowyg, input_html: { data: { options: { btns: [['bold', 'italic'], ['superscript', 'subscript'], ['link'], ['justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull'], ['unorderedList', 'orderedList'], ['horizontalRule'], ['removeformat']] } } }

Trumbowyg upload plugin

Plugin reference here.

Add to active_admin.js (after trumbowyg require):

//= require activeadmin/trumbowyg/plugins/upload/trumbowyg.upload

Form field config (example model Article):

unless resource.new_record?
  f.input :description, as: :trumbowyg, input_html: { data: { options: { btns: [['bold', 'italic'], ['link'], ['upload']], plugins: { upload: { serverPath: upload_admin_post_path(, fileFieldName: 'file_upload' } } } } }

Upload method (using ActiveStorage):

member_action :upload, method: [:post] do
  result = { success: resource.images.attach(params[:file_upload]) }
  result[:file] = url_for(resource.images.last) if result[:success]
  render json: result

For the relevant files of this upload example see here. Consider that this is just a basic example: images are uploaded as soon as they are attached to the editor (regardless of the form submit), it shows the editor only for an existing record (because of the upload_admin_post_path) and it doesn't provide a way to remove images (just deleting them from the editor will not destroy them, you'll need to implement a purge logic for that).


The changelog is available here.

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  • Mattia Roccoberton: author
  • The good guys that opened issues and pull requests from time to time


The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT.