activeadmin_select_many copied to clipboard
ActiveAdmin plugin for one-to-many / many-to-many / many-to-one associations
ActiveAdmin Select Many
An Active Admin plugin which improves one-to-many / many-to-many / many-to-one associations selection using 2 new inputs: select_many and select_one (jQuery required).
Features for select_many:
- search box;
- available items on the left, selected items on the right;
- local/remote collections;
- double click to add/remove items;
- sortable (with up/down buttons);
- key bindings to improve accessibility.
Features for select_one:
- search box;
- selected items on the right;
- remote collections;
- counter of items found;
- can be used as filter;
- key bindings to improve accessibility.
(inspired by RailsAdmin associations selector)
- Add to your Gemfile:
gem 'activeadmin_select_many'
- Execute bundle
- Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss):
@import 'activeadmin/select_many';
- Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin javascripts (app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js):
//= require activeadmin/select_many
- Use the input with
as: :select_many
in Active Admin model conf
- collection: local collection
- counter_limit: if results count is greater than or equal to this limit a '+' is shown
- filter_form: for select_one only, allow to use it as filter
- include_blank: for select_one only, default true, allow to include a blank value on top
- member_label: key to use as text for select options
- placeholder: placeholder string for search box
- remote_collection: JSON path
- search_param: parameter to use as search key (ransack format)
- selected: force value selection (array for select_many, single value for select_one)
- size: number of rows of both the selects (default: 4)
- sortable: set to true to enable sortable buttons (default: not set)
Examples with select_many
Add to ActiveAdmin model config, in form block.
- Local collection (no AJAX calls):
f.input :sections, as: :select_many
- Remote collection (using AJAX):
f.input :tags, as: :select_many, remote_collection: admin_tags_path( format: :json )
- Changing search param and text key (default: name):
f.input :tags, as: :select_many, remote_collection: admin_tags_path( format: :json ), search_param: 'category_contains', member_label: 'category', placeholder: 'Type something...'
- Sortable (items position must be saved manually):
f.input :tags, as: :select_many, remote_collection: admin_tags_path( format: :json ), sortable: true
Example to update position field:
after_save :on_after_save
controller do
def on_after_save( object )
if params[:article][:section_ids]
order = {}
params[:article][:section_ids].each_with_index { |id, i| order[id.to_i] = i }
object.sections.each { |item| item.update_column( :position, order[].to_i ) }
Example to enable JSON response on an ActiveAdmin model:
ActiveAdmin.register Tag do
config.per_page = 30 # to limit served items
config.sort_order = 'name_asc'
index download_links: [:json]
Examples with select_one
In a form:
f.input :article, as: :select_one, placeholder: 'Search...', remote_collection: admin_articles_path( format: :json ), search_param: 'title_contains', member_label: 'title'
As filter:
filter :article_id_eq, as: :select_one, filter_form: true, placeholder: 'Search...', search_param: 'title_contains', member_label: 'title', remote_collection: '/admin/articles.json'
- To use this plugins with ActiveAdmin 1.x please use the version 0.3.4
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- Mattia Roccoberton: author