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Active Admin + Active Resource: to use a REST API in place of a local database as data source
Active Admin + Active Resource
An Active Admin plugin to use a REST API data source in place of a local database using Active Resource.
NOTICE: currently some Active Admin features don't work as expected:
- Filters are partially supported (see example)
- Some form fields must be configured explicitly (like the associations)
- Comments are not supported
Please :star: if you like it.
- Add to your project's Gemfile (with Active Admin installed):
gem 'activeadmin_active_resource'
- Execute bundle
- Disable comments in Active Admin config initializer (
config.comments = false
Please take a look at the examples folder:
- a Rails6 application with Active Admin and this component, see here;
- a Rails6 API application used as data source, see here;
- a Roda API application used as data source, see here.
For more examples check the specs.
Basic instructions:
- Post model:
class Post < ActiveResource::Base = 'http://localhost:3000' # API url: another Rails project, a REST API, etc.
self.schema = { # Fields must be declared explicitly
id: :integer,
title: :string,
description: :text,
author_id: :integer,
category: :string,
dt: :datetime,
position: :float,
published: :boolean,
created_at: :datetime,
updated_at: :datetime,
- Post admin config:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
filter :title_cont # Ransack postfixes required (_eq, _cont, etc.)
controller do
def permitted_params
params.permit! # Permit all just for testing
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :id, as: :hidden unless f.object.new_record? # Required
f.input :title
# ... other fields
- Ransack options here
- Rails API index example with Ransack and Kaminari:
after_action :set_pagination, only: [:index]
def index
per_page = params[:per_page].to_i
per_page = 15 if per_page < 1
@posts = Post.ransack( params[:q] ).result.order( params[:order] ).page( params[:page].to_i ).per( per_page )
def set_pagination
headers['Pagination-Limit'] = @posts.limit_value.to_s
headers['Pagination-Offset'] = @posts.offset_value.to_s
headers['Pagination-TotalCount'] = @posts.total_count.to_s
If you create a new rails project don't use --skip-active-record.
Do you like it? Star it!
If you use this component just star it. A developer is more motivated to improve a project when there is some interest. My other Active Admin components.
Or consider offering me a coffee, it's a small thing but it is greatly appreciated: about me.
- Mattia Roccoberton: author
The gem is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT.