DAO copied to clipboard
The Standard DAO Framework, including Whitepaper
I need information to recover DAO tokens sent to contract https://etherscan.io/tx/0x8cb03677b8a41ce3269dcf9e2442fc5f2e67ec1631dc7aa597a81354452aeea4
### Changelog 10 - 06 - 2016 - Request Created ### Problem In the case of multiple proposals there are situations where a contractor may want to make multiple proposals...
Hello, I accidentally sent DAO tokens to the theDAO contract because I thought it would refund me but that was a mistake... Now my question is, is there a contract...
### How a cool idea!Why not continue it?
"throw" is deprecated in favour of "revert()", "require()" and "assert()". throw; ^---^ ,
we wanted to deploy the DAO on our private chain after watching your article DAO deployment. But after we typed the command "solc --optimize --bin DAO.sol", all of the output...
since this is an unlimited DAO, where people can buy token at any time, voting power of old tokens need to go down, since there ETH will be already spent.
variants: - curators - token holders - ether holders - trusted third party multisig