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gray terminal color scheme
- cemant
Cemant (pronouced sə'mænt) is an 18-color palette for use with terminals, text editors, and minimalistic desktop environments.
It is inspired by the light gray that was once (still is?) so popular in GUIs (a few other gray palettes linked below) and utilises a lowish-contrast set of accompanying colors to round out the palette. Hues and values were calculated over the CIELAB color space with the aid of the golden ratio to add some Reason, even if the calculations would have no other scientific or ergonomic basis.
- palette ::
=let λ = 0.618 over 100, χ = 0.618 over 128=
[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors][name]] | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors][rgb]] | RGB | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space][l]] | L | a | b |
[[/_pub/bg.png]] [[/_pub/fg.png]] bg, fg | =b9bdc5= | =36383f= | 76.4: 2λ^{2} | 23.6: λ^{3} | 0 | -4.4: -χ^{7} |
[[/_pub/00d.png]] [[/_pub/08dd.png]] dark | =16161d= | =575a61= | /[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigengrau][eigengrau]]/ | 38.2: λ^{2} | 0 | -4.4: -χ^{7} |
[[/_pub/01r.png]] [[/_pub/09rr.png]] red | =a32c2d= | =cf554d= | 38.2: λ^{2} | 52.8: λ^{2}+λ^{4} | 48.9: χ^{2} | 30.2: χ^{3} |
[[/_pub/02g.png]] [[/_pub/10gg.png]] green | =4b7d08= | =72a336= | 47.2: 2λ^{3} | 61.8: λ | -30.2: -χ^{3} | 48.9: χ^{2} |
[[/_pub/03y.png]] [[/_pub/11yy.png]] yellow | =916814= | =ba8d3b= | 47.2: 2λ^{3} | 61.8: λ | 11.5: χ^{5} | 48.9: χ^{2} |
[[/_pub/04b.png]] [[/_pub/12bb.png]] blue | =3c56aa= | =667ad3= | 38.2: λ^{2} | 52.8: λ^{2}+λ^{4} | 11.5: χ^{5} | -48.9: -χ^{2} |
[[/_pub/05m.png]] [[/_pub/13mm.png]] magenta | =91328c= | =ba59b3= | 38.2: λ^{2} | 52.8: λ^{2}+λ^{4} | 48.9: χ^{2} | -30.2: -χ^{3} |
[[/_pub/06c.png]] [[/_pub/14cc.png]] cyan | =237e6f= | =4ea494= | 47.2: 2λ^{3} | 61.8: λ | -30.2: -χ^{3} | 0 |
[[/_pub/07l.png]] [[/_pub/15ll.png]] light | =92959d= | =d2d6de= | 61.8: λ | 85.4: λ+λ^{3} | 0 | -4.4: -χ^{7} |
- [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio][φ]] over [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space][cielab]] ::
- screenshot ::
miscellaneous ::
- firefox theme: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cemant/
goals ::
- target the average coder/admin who uses a standard modern display
- prefer less long-term fatigue over pizzazz
- be colorimetrically and mathematically graceful
- feel "default" and "correct"
list of some other gray color schemes ::
- anti-zenburn: https://github.com/m00natic/anti-zenburn-theme
- morning: https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/master/runtime/colors/morning.vim
- nextstep: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXTSTEP#/media/File:NeXTSTEP_desktop.png
- seoul256: https://github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim
- solaris cde: http://toastytech.com/guis/sol.html
- windows 3.1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_3.1x#/media/File:Windows_3.11_workspace.png
- windows 95: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_95#/media/File:Windows_95_at_first_run.png
- xerox star: http://toastytech.com/guis/starbitmap2.gif